Page 29 of Stonewall
“When first laid eyes on you, I knew, in here.” I pounded my chest. “That you were the one. I couldn’t get you out of my head. I couldn’t wait for the next time I saw you. I was so attracted to you like none other, not just your gorgeous face and body; it was more. I feel like we have a connection, and after being around you, I knew we did, and once we connected on an intimate level, that’s when I knew for sure. I have never felt like this about another woman. The need to possess and own every part of you until you can’t live without me. Since I met you, I’ve realized what it really means to love a woman.”
My words stunned her for a minute. “I feel the same. I knew right away too. But I’m scared. Sometimes I feel like we’re moving too fast, and others like it’s not fast enough. And at other times, I feel like I’m falling, and they’ll be no one to catch me. So if what you say is true, why did you stop having sex with other women when she came back?”
I turned to Brooke so she was straddling my lap so I could look directly into her eyes. “Brooke, Mary, and her family were the only bright spot in my childhood. Marilyn, her mom, was so good to me and treated me like her own kid. I made a promise to her mom one night that when I grew up, I would never be like my dad. And when Mary came back smiling at me with that same smile her mom always wore, it reminded me of that promise.”
Her face was confused. “What does that have to with sex?”
“My dad used women like toilet paper. Didn’t think they were good for anything except fucking. And I realized that even though I never abused women and helped them when I could, I was just like my old man regarding sex. I used them for one thing and one thing only. I didn’t have to know them or want to know them. So, I decided I wouldn’t fuck another woman unless I felt something other than the need to get off. It wasn’t because I was in love with Mary. She was just a reminder of a promise made,” I explained, leaning my forehead next to hers. “Do you understand?”
“Yeah, I think I do. I feel so foolish. I was so jealous. Mary is just so different from me, and I struggled with why you would ever choose me, and if she weren’t with Shadow, you wouldn’t choose me, and I let my mind run away with that thought,” she confessed, laying her head on my shoulder.
“Brooke, you are different, and I wouldn’t change a thing about you. I want you just the way you are. To me, you’re perfect, and even when you are fighting me, I decided I like that side of you too. I liked it so much I’m going to piss you off on purpose so we can have angry sex,” I smirked, squeezing her ass.
She chuckled, “Oh, Lenny, I’m glad we talked. I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you.”
“I wouldn’t let that happen. Now, let’s go get Gael and go do something today,” I said, lifting Brooke to her feet.
“Yeah, let’s go,” Brooke replied, taking my hand.
IT’S BEEN FIVEdays since Lenny and I talked.It’s been a busy week. I have decided to take the job at Club Tattoo and the apartment. I would be a fool to turn it down. I have gone to work with Lenny to learn their booking and payment system in the mornings while Tildie watches Gael. The apartment needs another week before we can move.
Sometimes I’m afraid I’m dreaming and will wake up. I felt a touch on my shoulder, and Tildie sat beside me. I was in the kitchen having a cup of coffee while Gael napped. Lenny bought a nursery monitor system so I could hear if Gael woke up. I sleep with Lenny. If you can call what we do sleeping, Gael sleeps across the hall. I keep the monitor by the bed, and he knows to talk into it if he needs anything. I’m so surprised at how well Gael has adjusted to being here.
I looked at Tildie. “Where is Travis?”
He is returning to work this evening, and Viking wanted him to come in early for a meeting: Tildie wrote.
“You’re gonna miss him, right?” Her face said it all. Travis was so good to her.
Yes. But I know he will miss me too. But, sometimes, I worry and fear he won’t come back. Or he’ll realize I’m too much work: She wrote with tears in her eyes.
I put my arms around her and squeezed her tight before moving back to look at her. “Tildie, you are not too much work, and that man is crazy in love with you. But I get you. I have the same fears. We are quite the pair, huh?”
Tildie nodded her head and wrote:But, we are lucky that these men found us. And it will take time to believe we are safe and truly loved.
“I agree, Tildie. Do you want to ride to town with Gael and me when he wakes up? I need to get some things at the store.” Lenny has given me his Jeep to get around. He just wants me to tell him when I’m going somewhere. He is worried about Flex and Cross still being around. At least I don’t have to ask him for money. I still had the couple thousand I saved. It was hidden in my purse in a secret pouch I made inside.
Yes, I would like that: She wrote.
And right on cue, Gael woke up, his voice coming through the monitor. I motioned to Tildie to follow me and headed upstairs to get Gael ready.
Before long, we were driving away from the clubhouse. I forgot to text Lenny that I was leaving. Shoot, my phone is in my purse in the back seat. I saw Tildie texting Travis, so at least someone knows where we are headed. I will let Lenny know as soon as we stop.
A loud boom sounded, and the Jeep swerved; the tire exploded. I didn’t even have time to react by the time the Jeep went over the embankment, hitting a tree.
Oh, God. Gael? Tildie?
Gael was crying but otherwise okay, and Tildie was leaning forward, holding her head. I could see blood flowing through her fingers. I pushed the airbag out of my way, pushed open the door, and hurried around to her side, forcing the door open.
I moved her so I could look at her injury. “Move your hands, Tildie,” I asked; she did slowly, and I could see she had a deep gash on her forehead. Her glasses cracked. I grabbed some paper towels out of the door pocket. “Put pressure on it, Tildie. I need to get help.”
“No fears, dear sisters. Help is here,” a deep gravely voice sounded behind me.
Shit, Cross.
I turned, seeing my brother standing there with a smirk on his face. “What do you want, Cross?” I spit out, not bothering to hide my dislike of him. He knew I hated him, so why pretend?