Page 22 of Unexpected Union
“I cantake care of myself,” she said, pulling her armaway and sinking onto the chair. “I’vemanaged for the last six months on my own. And the baby and I’ll dogreat once it arrives.”
Hestudied her. She looked exhausted. Her eyes were already closed andshe leaned back in the chair as if she wasn’t planningto move again for adecade.
Hedidn’t like her comment,didn’t like being reminded she could manage her life fine withouthim.
“Did you eatlunch?”
“No. Not yet.I packed stuff in the backpack,” she said, making no effort to openit.
“Sorry Iwasn’t ready to go when you were,” he said stiffly.
She could havewaited a bit longer. Or reminded him she was waiting.
He sat besideher, admitting reluctantly that if she’d waited, she’d have wastedher entire morning.
If he’dmeant what he’dsaidlast night, why hadn’t he rearranged things thismorning?
“Oh!” Audra’seyes flew open and her hands went to her stomach.
“What’swrong?” He leaned closer, concern striking. “Is it the baby? Toomuch exertion?”
“No.It’s just the baby’s practicing tobe a place-kicker, I think,” she said. “I guesssince he was quiet while I was walking, he now feels it’s histurn.”
“It’s aboy?”
“I don’t know.I just call the baby he. Could be a girl.”
“Do you want ason?” he asked.
Theentire concept of pregnancy and childbirth was foreign to him. Imagine having a babyinside, a baby that one day would grow up to be a man or woman. Apart of him and of Audra.
“I mostly wanta healthy baby.”
He couldsee the ripple beneath her cotton top as the baby kicked again.Amazing. He’d never beenthis close to a pregnant woman. What must it be like?
She tilted herhead, staring at him. “Do you want to feel him move?”
His eyesmet hers. For a long moment he gazed into the warmth of those browneyes. Nodding, he reached out and placed his palm where hers had been. She coveredhis hand with hers and moved it slightly to the left.
Mitch wasabout to remove his hand when he felt a definite kick. Stunned hecouldn’t move.
“That wasquite a punch. Does it hurt?”
Shesmiled and shook herhead. “Not really. Sometime it surprises me. There, feel itagain?”
Henodded, struck by the warmth that seeped through him. He’d neverexperienced anything like it. For a moment Mitch felt as if he waspoised on the brink of somethingwonderful, monumentally special. The sounds of thechildren’s laughter and shrieks faded, the warmth from the sunseemed to fill every inch of his body. Audra’s expression wasethereal, perfect for a mother.
When thebaby settled down, she removed her handfrom the back of his. Despite the warmth of thesun, Mitch felt slightly chilled.
“I’vebeen wanting to share that with someone since I first felt himmove,” she said, closing her eyes again. “I want to eat here,” shesaid. “I’m too tired to move a step until I get some sustenance. Then I want to get aride back and sleep until supper!”
He’dfinished working for the day, but it looked as if he and Audrahadn’t managed to connect. She’d done her outside activity and nowwanted a nap. He’d finallycarved out some free time and had no one to share itwith.
As ifshe’d read his mind, sheopened her eyes and looked at him.