Page 23 of Unexpected Union

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Page 23 of Unexpected Union

“No. Iwouldn’t mind eating myself, I missed breakfast.”

She satup and unzipped the backpack, withdrawing a wrapped sandwich and handing it to him—athick roast beef one made with mustard and slightly wiltedlettuce.

“Finished workfor the day?” she asked as she pulled a second sandwich from herpack.

“I haveto pick up a fax before we leave the lodge. And checkto see if a packetarrived by courier.”

“Thenthat’llkeep you busy this afternoon,” she commented, turning to watch thekids frolicking in the water. “Unless you plan to take a nap, too.You are supposed to be recovering from the accident and gettingrest.”

Suddenlythe thought of the two of them climbing the stairs together jumped into his mind.Images of Audra in his arms, in a bed, danced before him. He couldsee settling her against his shoulder, placing his palm against herbelly, feeling their baby move again before drifting tosleep.

Hewantedto trace thatsilky skin with his fingertips. Thread his fingers through thatsoft hair and breathe in her unique fragrance. He’d love to justhold her.

And then domore than just holding.

Whatwould she do ifhekissed her again? Slap his face? Ask for another? His anger withher had abated. The longing might never fade.

He grewuncomfortable and shifted slightly on the chair. Concentrate oneating and not sleeping, he admonished himself.

Audrafinished her sandwichand leaned back, feeling relaxed and replete. If she didn’t gethome soon, she’d fall asleep where she sat. It was all the freshair and sunshine, she thought drowsily. And just maybe the walk hadbeen too challenging for her.

She wasreluctant to move. Forthe moment, at least, she had company. Mitch had been quiet whileeating, but she felt no impatience or restlessness.

Whichmeant what? That he was content to sit for a while before headingback to work? Or was he truly making an effort to exploreother avenues while on hisenforced vacation?

“TheCarmichaels might inviteus to a fish fry tomorrow night,” she said, remembering Mrs.Carmichael’s invitation. “You don’t have to go, but right now theidea sounds appealing. I’ve visited several times with them overthe past few days.”

“They’retheolder couple in thecottage to the right?”


“She’s the onewho told me I might be able to intercept you here.”


“Come on,Audra, let’s get you home.”

Hereached out and took hold of her hand,tugging gently. “You’re about to fallasleep.”

Sherose, allthought of sleep fleeing as she registered his touch. His hand heldhers as if he wasn’t going to let go anytime soon. She rememberedhis holding her last night, and the way her body seemed to rev upanytime it came near him. The same thing was happeningagain!

Whenhe pickedup her backpack with his injured arm, she reached out to takeit.

“Don’t dothat. You need to let it heal.”

“The packdoesn’t weigh that much.”

“Still.”She slung it over her shoulder and headed toward the lodge.

“Hello,enjoying theafternoon?”

It was MollyHarper, the abandoned wife from the first afternoon. Audra smiledand nodded, blushing slightly at the very pointed glance at theirlinked hands.

“Goodfor you. Bill’s at it again. But he promised to quit by four today.You and your husbandenjoy yourselves.”

With a happywave, Molly headed for the beach, book tucked in hand, towel slungover her shoulder.

Audralooked at Mitch, expecting some reaction. She was surprised to see the amusement inhis eyes.

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