Page 25 of Unexpected Union
“Bartand Patty Stevens. They’ve been married, let’s see, it will beeightor nine days now.And if you ask, they’ll tell you down to the minute.” She smiledruefully. “They are so crazy in love.”
“Um,” hesaid, leaning against theporch column and gazing toward the gleam of water. “Thatwon’t last.”
Audra’ssmile faded. “No, itwon’t, will it, according to you. Wait until the reality oflife slams them in the face.”
Mitch slantedher a look.
“Justbecause what we had wasn’t the kindof love that lasts a lifetime doesn’t mean otherscan’t find it,” Audra continued. “Wait until you see theCarmichaels together. They’re in their late seventies and have beenmarried more than fifty years. You can feel the love surroundingthem. Just because what we had didn’t last doesn’t mean love isn’treal or doesn’t exist. Look at Thomas and Tessa—it’s obvious othersexperience it.”
“But not youand me?”
“I can’tspeak for you, Mitch, but I hope to find a deep and abiding loveone day. A lasting love,a feeling of completeness and desire to share my life withone special person. I thought it was you. But that doesn’t mean I’mgiving up or resigning myself to living alone forever.”
Bravewords, which she wasn’t sure she meant. For the time being shewas too scared of beinghurt again.
“You won’t bealone. You’ll have the baby,” he reminded her.
“Yes and I’lllove this child like crazy. But I also want an adult love, someoneto share my life with. Is that such a hard concept?”
“Isn’tthat what we tried?Youwalked out, not me. My mother walked out on my old man. If that’swhat love does, I don’t want any part of it. I gave it a shot, butit didn’t work.”
Audra took adeep breath and tried to damp down the anger that rose.
“I left,but our marriage was over before that night. I could argue that you were alreadygone. And I don’t know what happened between your father andmother. I expect you don’t know the full story—only the two of themknow it all. But don’t you think one day you’ll regret spendingyour entire life alone—focused exclusively on work? What about afamily? How much time will you devote to your son or daughter? Willyou want to share holidays with the baby? What about a shoulder tolean on when things get tough?”
“I haveThomas forfamily. And Ican stand alone if things get tough. Isn’t that what you’redoing?”
Sheshook her head. “You think I’m on my own because I came here to be alone. But Ihave a mother who is very supportive. I have several very closefriends. Cousins who would help out in a minute. But I still wantthat special someone—”
“Someman to come in and sweep you off your feet?” The sarcasm bit.
She laughedaloud.
“That’sso dumb. Men don’t sweep women off their feet anymore. I’m talkingabout a partnership. I’ll bring something to the relationship as will he. And togetherwe’ll have that special relationship—like the Carmichaels. When yousee them together, you’ll be so amazed. They remind me ofhoneymooners even after fifty years.”
“You’dbetter make sure they know up-front we are not going to be holding hands and makingeyes at each other.”
Audraturned away, nodding herhead in agreement. Even when they were dating, Mitch didn’thover. He was nothing like Bart Stevens who seemed to be constantlytouching Patty. Wistfully she wished he were.
But at leasthe was going to the dinner. She hoped it wouldn’t proveawkward.
Apang hit that theirmarriage had not stood the test of time. That the love and caringshe’d had for the man hadn’t been enough to bridge the differencesbetween them.
“I’mgoing in,” she said, wanting time alone. Needing time away from himbefore his proximity hadher imagining things that would never again be.
WhenAudra and Mitch walked to the next cottage just before seven thenext evening, Audra wassurprised to see a wooden picnic table set up near the back door ofthe cottage, fully set for dinner. Nearby a portable barbecue unitwas already glowing with coals.
“Welcome.”Mrs. Carmichael bustled out of the house to greet them.
“This isnice,” Audra said,waving at the table.
“Wecalled the front desk and they arranged everything. This is reallya wonderful resort. Theyclaim to have everything we could wish for and so far, I believethem. They’ll pick it up tomorrow, unless we wish to keep it to eatout on from time to time while we’re here. I thought this would bemuch nicer than eating inside. Come and sit down.”
“Mrs.Carmichael, I don’t knowif you met Mitch,” Audra began.
“Oh,call me Sandra. And my husband is John. Nice to meet you, Mitch.What can I get you todrink? John has some beer and there’s wine or soft drinks,” shesaid smiling at Audra.
They were barelysettled with drinks when Bart and Patty Stevens strolled up. Sandramade hasty introductions and hurried off to get theirbeverages.