Page 26 of Unexpected Union

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Page 26 of Unexpected Union

Patty smiledand snuggled closer to Bart.

“Howlovely to be expecting a baby. We want children, but notright away. We want tospend sometime together first. How long have you two beenmarried?”

“Eighteenmonths,” Mitch stated baldly.

Audralooked at him, waitingfor the rest. He flicked her a glance, then looked back at theStevens. He wasn’t going to tell them their marriage wasover?

At leastnot mentioning it took care of any awkwardness. And it was true.They had married almost eighteen months ago—lived as man and wife for twelve of thosemonths and had been separated for six.

Audrachanged the subject. Bythe time the first platter of fish was placed in the center of thetable, the three couples chatted as if they’d known each other foryears—despite the differences in age.

Twice,Audra took a moment to watch Mitch. She’d missed him. Missedhearing him talk,laughing at his dry humor, and watching him argue points he wastrying to make. Bart had to be at least six or seven years youngerthan Mitch and John Carmichael was a good forty plus years older.Yet the three men had plenty to say, often arguing, but Audrasuspected that was Mitch’s doing, since he reveled init.

It waslate when the party broke up. Audra wondered if they’d do somethinglike this again before the others left. It had been a delightfulevening. She liked people and was glad theneighboring cottages hadsuch congenial couples staying in them.

“Didyouenjoy yourself?” sheasked as they stepped onto the porch.

“I did. Icould tell you were having fun, too.”

She was struckby the fact he’d noticed.

“I had agreat time. I also realized thatexcept for one or two comments, you didn’t talkabout your work at all. Do you feel you’re suffering fromwithdrawal?” she teased, stalling.

Shehated for the evening to end. For a few hours Mitch had been theman she remembered. Attentive, attractive and amusing. She hated to let itgo.

“Want tosit out for a while orare you tired?”

“I’m nottired. I’m still revved up from the conversation, I guess. Plus, Irested earlier. How about you?”


“Are yougetting enough rest, Mitch? You’re still working even though you are supposed to beconvalescing.”

“I’mfine,Audra. I don’tneed a keeper.”

His quietvoice held a note of steel in it. Audra blinked.

“Of course youdon’t. And if you did, I’m not applying for the job.”

He wassilent and Audra tried to relax. It was difficult when she was so aware of him. Shecould easily reach out and touch him if she dared.

She thoughtshe had gotten over Mitch during the months they’d been apart. Nowshe was starting to wonder if she had been fooling herself.

Crossing herarms over her chest she clenched her hands into fists to resisttemptation. What was the matter with her? They’d tried love andmarriage. It hadn’t worked and it was time to let go and moveon.



“Tellme, do you plan to continue work after the baby is born?” he asked.

“Afterthe first few months, yes. I have a long maternity leave, but I love my job. Andthey are holding it for me.”

“So you don’tbelieve a woman should stay home with her children?”

“Notnecessarily. My mother always worked and I think I turned out okay. The reality ishow the relationship works when we’re together. This baby will be avery important part of my life. I’ll take the best care of him orher.”

Heleaned his head back. Audra thought he’d closed his eyes, butit was too dark to seehim clearly. Was he having another dizzy spell?

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