Page 27 of Unexpected Union
“Are you allright, Mitch?” she asked, growing concerned.
“I’m stilltrying to come to terms with a baby on the way.”
Truth totell, she wondered if she hadn’t wanted to share herprecious baby with a manwho put work before all else. She wanted her son or daughter toknow it was loved. But she had robbed Mitch of the chance to sharein the joy.
“Are you angryabout the baby?”
He wassilent a moment, then said, “But I’m hurt you didn’t tell me when you firstknew.”
“I guessI had someoutdatednotion you’d think we needed to live together if I told you. Andthere is nothing you can do before it’s born.”
“We’ll neverknow, now, will we?”
“Tellme,” she said, ruthlessly changing the subject, “is this your idea of a relaxingconvalescent, scrambling to do things on the phone or via fax orthe computer, rather than going into the office?”
“Not your ideaof relaxing, huh?”
“Definitely not. You need lessons in how to relax. Do youwant togo walking withme tomorrow?”
Shewaited for his answerwith some trepidation. While she still felt pumped up fromthe delightful dinner, she knew she ran a certain risk in invitinghim.
“Didn’tyesterday’s trek tire you out?”
“Yes,but today’s rest perkedme right up and I’m raring to go again. Only this is thelast time I ask. If you don’t keep this appointment, I cross youoff my list.”
“I promise tobe ready to leave when you are.”
For amoment Audra wanted to ask why he hadn’t been able to make suchapromise when they weretogether.
“Isthisanother attempt tocircle the lake?” he asked.
“No. There aresome paths leading back toward the hills, I thought we could hikeup and see if there’s a view.”
“No,easy enough for a pregnant lady. I checked with the front desk. I’m not talking rockclimbing. How about you?”
“Wherever apregnant lady can go, I can go. Fix a picnic and we’ll eat it whileenjoying that fabled view.”
“If we findone.”
He rolled hishead toward her.
“Actually I couldjust look at you and enjoy the view.”
Heat sweptthrough her at his words. She lost her train of thought. Mitch hadnever been one to give compliments. How she cherished thisone.
Feelingflustered, Audra didn’t know how to respond. “What a nice thingtosay.”
“It’strue. You’re a beautifulwoman, Audra. I don’t think I fully appreciated thatbefore.”
Stunned, shetried to see him in the faint starlight. Only his silhouette wasvisible.
“It’s gettinglate.”
Great,run away, she thought,. What she really wanted to do was to stay and see if he’d saysomething more.