Page 31 of Unexpected Union
“I’mready to stop, how about you?” Mitch asked with a sidewaysglance at her.
“Yes,and I’m starving. Lunchnow?”
He tookoff the backpack and looked around for a flat area without rocks.“Here?” he asked a minute later. Audra nodded and before long theywere sitting on the large old blanket, eating andgazing at the view.
A slightbreeze had her hairdancing, it felt good against her overheated skin. She’d shed hersweater on the last stretch and liked the warmth of the sun on herarms.
Mitchwatched her as she nibbled on the sandwich. She wasbeautiful.She alwayshad been. How had he forgotten? Her eyes seemed to constantlysparkle with enthusiasm and joy. Her skin looked inviting, begginghim to touch. Her mouth—he looked away, thinking how much he wantedto kiss her again. He balled the remains of his sandwich in theplastic and tossed it back into the backpack. He didn’t want anymore to eat. He wanted Audra.
Wantedto let his lips and tongue relearn every secret she held. Feel thewarmth from her body pour into his. Taste her, touch her, losehimselfinher.
Heleaned back, gazingatthe view, exquisitely conscious of the woman beside him.
“For a pirate,you’re awfully quiet,” she teased, repacking the remains of lunchand offering him a bottle of water.
He tookit and sat up to drinkdeeply then handing the empty bottle back. She smileduncertainly.
It releasedthe last constraint. Slowly, giving her time to refuse if shewished, he leaned forward until his mouth hovered scant millimetersfrom her own.
“Audra,”he said softly, closing the distance andcovering her lips with his.
She was warm andsweet and very willing. As he followed her down until they werelaying on the blanket, he never broke contact, his mouth opening tofind the enchantment in hers.
Audracould scarcely breathe. She hadn’texpected this, though in the fleeting seconds ofrational thought remaining, she knew instinctively this is what shewanted.
Encircling Mitch’s neck, she delighted in the feel of hisbody pressing against hers, delighted in the sensations thatexploded. His lips movedand she answered. His embrace tightened and sheresponded.
Her bloodheated, rushed through her veins. The kaleidoscope of colors behindher lids added to the mesmerizing spell his touch wrought.
Endlessmoments slipped by, but Audra didn’t count them. She kissed him back, letting her fingersrelearn the texture of his hair, the steely strength of hismuscles, the heat of his skin. Her fingers tingled, her body seemedunable to contain a myriad of sensations that struggled fordominance—heat, and desire, and love.
Mitchfelt a waveofdizziness. Was it intoxication with Audra? Her scent filled him,her touch set him on fire. Her taste was so familiar, causingfeelings and emotions to whirl without stop.
Heopened his eyes, frowning as thedizziness didn’t diminish.
Softlyhe groaned, clenched histeeth.
She opened hereyes and gazed up at him, looking more beautiful than a man couldstand.
“Blastit,” he said softly, closing his eyes and rolling to his side asthe world spun aroundhim.
She roseup on one elbow, herexpression concerned.
“Are you allright?” A hint of panic touched her voice.
“Dizzy spellagain,” he bit out.
He hated thisweakness. How much longer would they come?
“Can Ido something? Get you something? Want somewater?”
“I’ll befine once itpasses.”
“It’s the firstone today, isn’t it?” she asked softly, her fingers brushing acrosshis forehead.