Page 32 of Unexpected Union
Mitchwanted to capture her hand, bring it to his lips, lace his fingersthrough hers and hold hands. But it remindedhim of the weakness. He couldn’t even kisshis wife without repercussions from the accident.
The dizzyspells were affecting his common sense. He was not the hand-holdingtype.
“First onetoday,” he confirmed.
“They’renot as frequent as before then. Maybe they’ll stop altogether soon,” she saidsoothingly. “Maybe you should see a doctor again to makesure.”
“I’ll befine.”
“I’m worriedabout you,”
“Don’t be.This is only temporary.”
She wasquiet and he rolled his head to the left squinting through oneeye to seeher.
“Don’t frown,you’ll get wrinkles,” he said, noting her worried expression.Despite all her animosity toward him, toward the situation he’dcreated, she still worried about him. A strange feeling settledaround his heart.
“We’llwait until you feelcompletely better before heading back,” she said practically,sitting up and running her fingers through her shorthair.
“Didn’tyou say earlier there were caves around here?” Mitch asked, hatingbeing less than one hundred percent—especiallyaround Audra.
If hecouldn’t have herrespect and regard, he sure didn’t want her pity. His hands stillfelt the satiny texture of her skin, the weight of her breast,changed due to the pregnancy. He wanted more.
“Yes, abit farther on, I think. Safe ones, thebrochure said, not too deep, no long falls to somesubterranean caverns by careless hikers possible. Why, do you wantto explore them, Black Beard?”
Henodded, closing his eyes as a wave of nausea swept through. Thatwas the worst of the dizziness—not onlycould he not keep his equilibrium, but he feltsick with it.
“But nottoday.”
“We’ll comeback and explore them another day,” she said, lying back down. “I’mtired.”
“Go to sleep.We aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.”
Neitherspoke of thewildkisses, but he knew she was thinking about what just happened.Maybe she’d bring it up once he was fit again.
Mitchwoke and gazed around, feeling disoriented. For a moment he didn’tremember where he was. A vague sense of uneasefilled him. He had to make sure Thompsondidn’t cut any deals with Snelling’s attorney. This time Snellingwas going up for a long stretch. Had he told Teresa to have thatlaw clerk search for precedents for the Cannady case?
Darn,there was so much to dothat the last thing he should be doing was sleeping awaythe afternoon.
Then he sawAudra. She was still asleep.
Thedizziness was gone. He rose up on his elbow and gazed at her. Sheslept on her side. Her long lashes rested on her cheeks and onehand pillowed her cheek.The short hair fell away from her forehead as the breeze teasedit.
He wanted tokiss her awake. Take up where they’d been interrupted. Forget aboutwork for a while, forget about their past and probable future, andlive in the moment.
Hewatched her for a longtime, wondering if this was all he was to have.
Checking hiswatch, he noted it was growing late. If he wanted to get hold ofTeresa before she left today, they needed to head back. So much forthe idyllic afternoon.
Wryly headmittedfeelingrefreshed from the nap and from spending hours outside. Gazing offto the distant glimmer of the lake, he realized he hadn’t thoughtabout his caseload once until now. Unheard of.
It wasAudra’s spell. She had a way of weaving magic until he couldthink of nothing buther.
Well,he’d done his bit towind down today. Time to get back and at least touch base withTeresa, make sure he continued to direct his pending cases. If hehad to go to court in a few weeks’ time, he wanted to be a part ofthe entire preparation process, not go in cold.
Stillfor all the sense ofurgency, of time wasting, he was reluctant to wake Audra. Shelooked so peaceful and perfect sleeping trustingly beside him. Forthe first time he wondered what the future would hold for her andtheir baby.