Page 33 of Unexpected Union
And forhimself.
Where had theygone wrong? He’d thought a wife was supposed to stand by herhusband’s side. He’d been working for her—to afford nice things, abigger apartment, nice cars.
Andwouldn’t the baby need a father? He and Thomas had done without one parent most oftheir lives and even today he felt the bitter loss. He wasdetermined his child would know it was loved by both itsparents—even if they couldn’t live together.
Scowling, disliking the trend of his thoughts, hereached out and shookher lightly.
“Audra,wake up. We need to headback.”
Hecouldn’t help being entranced with the woman slowly coming awake.Her eyes looked large and dreamy. The cheek she’d been lying on wasrosy, the other one pale. When she stretched, healmost held his breath. Except for theswelling of her stomach, the rest of her was slender and feminine,curved in all the right places.
Helooked away, annoyed at the pull of attraction he didn’t seem to beable to control. Wishing memories didn’t floodhis mind. Wishing he felt he had the rightto take up where they’d left off.
“It’s notlate, is it?” she asked rising slowly to her feet. Brushing off herjeans, she glanced at the sky, then at Mitch, then away, as ifunwilling to meet his gaze.
Somuch for afantasy where she leaned over to kiss him again. Reluctantly herose, reached down to fold the blanket.
“It’smid-afternoon. I want to get back to call the office.”
“Well,of course. Why did I think you planned to spend the entire dayrelaxing?”
Hersharp tone pierced him. Hadn’t he spent hours with her? And enjoyed himself.
He swore hecould feel her withdrawal. She said nothing, simply stood searchingthe area as he folded the blanket. But it was as if a wall hadrisen between them.
“Audra,”he began.
Thenstopped. What was there to say? Hadn’t they said all they had to say longago?
“Nothing. Areyou ready?”
She shruggedand looked longingly at the hills rising behind them. “I told youabout the caves, didn’t I?”
“Yes.Maybe we can explorethem another day.”
“We’rehere now. They aren’tfar.”
Mitchlooked at his watchagain and shook his head. “It’ll take us at least an hour to getback to the cabin, we need to leave now.”
She met hisgaze at last, her eyes grave.
“So go.You’re the one who wantsto return. I’m going to the caves. I’ll be back in time forsupper.”
She turned andbegan walking toward the path that led higher.
“Audra, wait.You can’t go up there alone.”
Looking at himover her shoulder, she asked, “Why not?”
“I’m notgoing to take any risks. I just want to see the caves. The person at the front deskassured me it is safe. They wouldn’t endanger theirguests.”
“I don’t havetime to go with you, I need to get back.”
“No oneis asking you to go with me, Mitch.”