Page 39 of Unexpected Union

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Page 39 of Unexpected Union

“I feelfrustrated, angry I crashed, annoyed as can be that my brother, mydoctor, my secretary and everyone else who knows me seems to thinkI need rest. Outragedyou didn’t tell me about the baby as soon as you found out. Andresentful that you left and that I still don’t understand whatmakes you tick. So does that foster communications?” he askedsardonically, glaring at her.

“Youcan’t let yourjobalone, it’s as if you are obsessed with it. You’ve made it plainyou resent being forced to take time off. What would foster thebeginnings of communications would be for you to tell me why youcan’t let go and relax. Why can’t you put work aside for threeshort weeks, recharge and be even more enthusiastic about it whenyou go back?” Audra returned.

“We hadthis discussion on the dock the other night. I’ve agreed to dovacationy things with you. And we need to discuss us. I want toknow your plans formybaby once it’s born.”

“One afternoonwalk does not a vacation make,” she said, ignoring the lastpart.

“I feel fine.I’m rested.”

“Except fordizzy spells and times when your arm aches.”

“How did youknow my arm aches?”

“I haveeyes, counselor. I’ve seen you cradle it from time to time. And I know broken bonescan ache when healing. Rest would help.”

“We’re back tothat.”

“Nope. I’mgoing to bed. If we’re getting up early, I want to get a goodnight’s sleep. Or as much as I can with babykins.”

“Thebabykeeps youawake?”

Audra hesitated,then spoke slowly. “Sometimes he or she becomes very active atnight, waking me up and then it’s a challenge to get back tosleep.”

Heleaned against the railing and looked at her in the dim lightspilling out from thefront window focusing that attention right where she’d oncewanted it.

“What exactlyare you going to do when the baby arrives?”

“That’s one ofthe things I’m trying to decide on this vacation,” Audra saidslowly. “I want the best for our baby.”

“As doI.Did I figure intoyour plans at all?”

“Do you wantto?”

“You have toask? Audra, I missed a parent growing up. I don’t plan to let anychild of mine feel that loss. Yes, I want to be a part of thisbaby’s life.”

“Howmuch? I won’t have my child make plansonly to be let down and disappointed when thingsdon’t turn out right. You’re welcome to come over as often as youlike, but we’ll only expect you when we see you.”

He frowned. “Iwouldn’t let the child down.”

“How doI know that? You letmedown.”

Thecharged silencestretched on forever.

“I didn’t meanto,” he said softly.

“And youprobably wouldn’tmeantodisappoint the baby by making plans and then breaking them whenwork took precedence. But it would happen. And children grow toofast to let that happen. I want our child to have only happymemories of growing up.”

He wasbecoming angry again. Was that how she saw the future, himconstantly disappointing his son or daughter?

“Give me somecredit, Audra, I wouldn’t do that.”

Hersilence let him know shedidn’t believe it.

“Avisit each week wouldn’tbe enough. I want to see the baby grow, be a part of teaching himor her about life,” he said slowly, realizing it was exactly theway he felt.

He’d hada part in creating this child, he wanted a strong role inhelping it grow toadulthood.

“So what areyou suggesting, joint custody? Would you be there enough forthat?”

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