Page 40 of Unexpected Union
“There areother ways.”
“Like gettingback together?”
Hestared at her, wondering if that was what he wanted. He hadn’t beenthe one to walk out. Nottechnically, though he gave nodding acknowledgment to her statementhe’d left mentally before she left physically.
Could hechange? Could he cut back on work and still stay on the fasttrack?
Audrahesitated near the door and gazed out over the darkexpanse in front ofher.
“Nevermind, Mitch. I really have it all planned out. My boss has agreedto what I think is a perfect situation. I can work several hours aday and then spend the rest of the time with my baby. There ison-site child care, so I know he or she will get good care while I am working. Youand I will work out visitation.” She opened the screen. “We cantalk about it further another time. Good night.”
He wasalone on the porch. For a few seconds he could hear her on thestairs, then—nothing.Just the soft wind in the tops of the trees, and the silence of themountains.
She’dmentioned getting back together. Was it even an option?
Early the nextmorning, Mitch knocked on Audra’s bedroom door. He waited a minutethen knocked again, louder.
“What?Who is it?”
Her sleepy toneflooded him with memories. She took a little while to become awake.They had joked about her not being a morning person. Yet manymornings, he’d awakened to find her watching him. For a moment hewas tempted to throw open the door and wake her properly with akiss. His hand paused over the knob. Did she still wear sheernighties, or had that only been for him? He knew her hair would betousled initially, but it was cut so it fell into its short layerswith little effort. He ached to see her when she firstawoke.
She’d be warmand desirable.
Pushing awaythe disturbing thoughts, he focused on why he was at the door,dropping his hand to his side.
“Audra, are weon for the fishing expedition?”
“Oh, sure.What time is it?”
“A bitafterfive. It’ll bedawn soon. We want to be on the lake by then.”
“I’ll be readyin ten minutes.”
He couldhear activity and slowly, reluctantly, turned from the door. He wasdressed and ready to go. He could help her. Pick out something forher to wear, watch herdress.
Her dooropened and Audra almost ran into him.
“Oh. Goodmorning. I’ll just be a sec.”
Bundled in herarms were her clothes. She hurried down the hallway and into thebathroom.
Mitchwatched her, bemused to discover she slept in along gown of some soft material thatseemed to follow the curves of her body. He took a breath, shockedto discover just seeing her vanish down the hallway had himdesiring her. He wanted to forget the fishing trip, take her to bedand make love with his wife all day long.
Frowning, hewent downstairs to the kitchen and tried to occupy himself bymaking coffee. Before long the fragrant aroma filled the air.Taking time to find the herbal tea she drank, he prepared her acup.
“Ah, aman after my own heart,”Audra said as she entered and made a beeline to the mug heheld out. “I know I said I wanted to go fishing, but think I need abit more time to psych myself up for this early rising. I am onvacation.”
Heleaned against the counter and watched her bustlearound. She sipped the hotbeverage and gave a blissful smile. Quickly she prepared bagels andcream cheese and handed him one.
“This willhold us. Will we be out long enough to need a lunch?” she asked,taking another sip of tea.
“No,we’ll come back by then.Ready?”
Mitchfelt irritated with thefeelings he was experiencing. It seemed right to share chores inthe kitchen. They worked well together—he wanted to share more thanchores. He wanted to be back in Audra’s life.
“I’mready,” she said as she swallowed another bite of bagel. “I can take this with me andfinish by the time we reach the boat.”
Themorning was cool, the sun just rising above the hills to the east.The sky was already changing color. The air was hushed as they tookthe pine needle strewnpath to the lake. None of their neighbors seemed awake.