Page 55 of Unexpected Union
Notfive minutesinto the trek Audra realized the trail was much more difficult tofollow in the dark and the rain than on a sunnyafternoon.
Thefloppy hat kept the worst of the rain from her face, but the winddashed water every whichway. The flashlight didn’t offer much illumination. Thesoggy needles and spongy mud seemed to soak up what little light itgave. But she pushed on.
Audracalled his name frequently. Stumbling once, she slowed down tocautiously find her way. Shedare not allow herself to fall but urgency drove her on.Therain seemed unrelenting. The swaying trees appeared threatening.Yet Mitch was somewhere out in the night, and she knew he’d comesearching for her. How could she do less?
How farwas the meadow wherethey had shared a picnic? Had he gone all the way to the caves?Surely he would have started for the cabin when the rainthreatened.
Or had hethought the storm would pass quickly and was waiting it out safelyin a dry cave?
Audrasloshedon. Her hand holding the flashlight trembled with cold. Blown rainseeped down the neck of her jacket despite her attempts to keep itdry. Twice she slipped and ended up on her knees. But she kept atit. Her fear for Mitch rose with each step.
“Audra?”His voice was faint.From which direction?
She almostburst into tears.
“Whereare you?”
She struggledon a little farther. She saw nothing beyond the small circle oflight in front of her feet.
“Mitch, whereare you?”
Sheraised the flashlightand turned in a complete circle, hoping he could see thelight.
“I seeyou. Be careful, it’sslippery. Head a bit to your left.”
Sheclimbed the pathway, sliding, moving to the edge of the clearingwhere rocks and gravel gleamed in the faint light,rain running betweenthem in rivulets.
“You’regetting closer,” his voice called.
Inanother five minutes shestopped. Rocks and boulders were strewn around like a careless tossfrom a giant hand.
“I’m toyour right, Audra. But be careful. It’s slick.”
Sweepingthe flashlight around,she saw him.
“Whathappened?” she asked as shebegan to scramble over the rocks, using both hands fromtime to time to steady herself.
“I had ablasted dizziness attack, lost my footing and fell spraining myankle.”
Helooked beyondher. “Are you alone?”
Thepent-up worry exploded into relief. She felt almost giddy hearing hisvoice.
“Of course I’malone, who did you think I’d pick up?”
“Whatthe hell are you doing out in this weather in your condition? Youcould have beenhurt!”
Pickingherway gingerly throughthe rocks, she hastened toward him. The flashlight caught him inits beam.