Page 56 of Unexpected Union
“I was worriedsick.”
“Why didn’tyou get help from the lodge?”
“I triedto call, but the phone was out. I thought if you’d gone to thelodge, you would haveleft a note. So rather than drive there only to drive back in thisdownpour, I took a chance of finding you myself.”
“Blast it, Ican’t believe you came out in this.”
She kneltbeside him and threw herself into his arms.
“Whatwas Isupposed to do?The Carmichaels are gone and the other cabin is still vacant. All Icould think about was you out here in this weather—without ajacket.”
He held hertightly. “Darn fool thing to do.”
“Are yousure a sprained ankle is all? Did you hit yourhead again or anything? Are youfreezing?”
“I’llmanage. You could have fallen andbeen hurt. You risked the baby’s well-being,too.”
“I’m alittle cold, but fine otherwise. Truly. I was careful. I couldn’tleave my baby’s father out here, to get sick or worse. Come on, we’ve got to get back tothe cottage. If you lean on me, can you walk?”
“Not far.”
He puton the jacket she’d brought and rose and balanced on his left foot.Slowly he leaned on Audra. She braced herself for his weight. Withthe rocks to cross, thenthe slippery path and the pouring rain, there was no chance they’dmake it back without further mishap.
“What’s inhere?” Mitch asked nudging her backpack.
Hewasn’t through with chastising her for her irresponsible behavior,but would wait beforearguing the point with her. The deed was done and truth to tell,he’d been struck by her fierce determination to rescue her baby’sfather. She’d always been loyal.
“A blanket andsome hot coffee, snacks.”
“I’vebeen fantasizing about a hot meal for hours. We aren’t going to make it back tonight, Audra.The caves are nearby. We can find shelter from the rain and thewind at least. And if we have an ounce of luck we’ll find a drystick or two for a fire.”
Windingthrough the rocks proved difficult. Mitch knew how to get to the caves he’d spentthat afternoon prowling. Slowly they made their way to the nearestone.
Once beneaththe overhang, he released his grip on Audra’s shoulder and sankdown to the earthen floor with a muffled groan.
“Are youokay?” sheasked,kneeling beside him, her hand touching his arm. If he wasn’t, shehadn’t a clue what to do about it.
“I will besoon. How about some of that coffee? I’m freezing!”
“I havemore than that,” she replied smugly, unzipping the backpack.Blankets spilledout,the thermos and socks. She handed him the thermos first thengathered his clothes.
“I brought youa change of clothes.”
“You are awise woman, Audra Wells.”
“Hypothermiais dangerous—even in the summertime. And it’s downright coldtoday.”
Heshruggedout of thejacket and his wet shirt, tossing them to the side and pulled onthe dry one.
Even as he wasbuttoning it up, she struggled with the laces of his shoes.
“Don’t bother,I’ll just toe them off.”
“Theinjured foot, too?” she asked, working diligently.
“If wehad scissors, you couldcut the laces.”
“You’llwalk out of heretomorrow more easily if you have shoes that stay on your feet,” shemurmured. “There. One done. I wish the light wasbrighter.”