Page 57 of Unexpected Union
He heldthe flashlight while she unfastened his other shoe and gently slipped it off. Lightlytouching the cold, damp sock, she frowned. “Your ankle’sswollen.”
“But not much.Probably the cold wet sock helped to keep the swelling down.”
“Getinto the rest of the dry clothes while I look for wood,” shesaid briskly, flickingon a second flashlight and scanning the interior of the cave.Rising, she shed the plastic bag, then wandered around, picking upa stick here and there, a twig, a handful of pine needles. Sheheard the rustling of his clothes and longed to offer help. Butsomehow she knew Mitch would insist he could manage byhimself.
“I’m decentnow. Did you find any wood?” his amused voice called.
Shelooked up, he was quite a distance away. The cave was much largerthan she realized. Carrying her bounty, she hurried back to the dim circle of lightwhere he sat.
His wetclothes were piled tothe side. He was already huddled beneath one of theblankets.
Dumping thewood, she piled it up, then sat back on her heels.
“Thereare matches in the backpack. In the first-aid kit.”
“A GirlScout, prepared for everything.” Mitch looked up and met her gaze. “Thanks, Audra, Iowe you. But I still can’t believe you risked your own safety andthe baby’s.”
“You’d havecome for me,” she said simply.
“Yeah,but I’m noteight monthspregnant.”
“I wascareful.”
Shecaught the matches he tossed to her and quickly lit some of the pine needles. Theyflared instantly and in only seconds a cheery fire was blazingbefore them. The light and the warmth were most welcome. For thefirst time since she realized Mitch was missing, Audra began torelax.
“Comesit here.” Mitch patted the dry dirt beside him.
Shecrossed over and sat, hip to hip. He opened the blanket and drapedit over her shoulders, then unscrewed the thermos ofcoffee.
Suddenlyexhausted,Audra leanedagainst him.
“I wassoscared,” she saidsoftly.
“I would havemade it come morning. You knew I could have managed.”
Shenodded, not believing it for a minute. People died fromhypothermia. Looking out into the black night she shivered. The rain continued tofall. Even with the fire the air was cool. Mitch in just a wetshirt and jeans overnight would have had a tough time.
“Will you beable to walk back in the morning?” she asked after he’d finishedthe hot coffee.
“Depends. I’llsee how the ankle is. If not, at least I’m warm and dry. You mighthave to hike back and get help.”
The babymoved. When Audra instinctively placed her hand over her baby,Mitch’s hand covered hers to feel the movement of their child. Fora splitsecond Audra wascontent.
“Younever said what you wanted, Mitch,” she said softly, “a girl or aboy?”
“A healthybaby will suit me perfectly. I’m more concerned about its parents—Ithink kids need both parents. I had my father, but no mother.”
“And Ihadno father after Iwas nine. At least in a divorce, mothers and fathers stay incontact with their children. You had the bad luck to have a motherwho didn’t for some reason. But that doesn’t mean we can’t worksomething out—if you want to be a part of the baby’slife.”
“Ofcourse I do.I—”
He fellsilent.
He withdrewhis hand, and stared at the fire. “It’s safer all the way around tonever take a chance. That way, there’s no heartache.”