Page 58 of Unexpected Union

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Page 58 of Unexpected Union

“Thatmight be safer, but don’t you think peoplewould miss a lot?”

Heshook hishead, looking at her.

“Are you happywith the way things turned out? If you had it to do over, would youstill marry me?”

“I wishdesperately that things had been different for us, but yes I wouldnot have chosen to skip it. What if we’d been one of the lucky ones? What if we couldhave celebrated fifty years together like the Carmichaels? That’swhat I was hoping for.”

Thefamiliar ache settled in her heart. She’d had such highexpectations when they married. How had theylost their way?


“I’mtired, too. Can yousleep?”

Audra nodded.“Let me make another sweep of the cave for more wood. What we havenow won’t last all night. And I expect it’ll be even colder beforemorning.”

In tenminutes she had scoured the cave for every bit of flammable material. Some they fed tothe flame, the rest they stacked to the side to feed the fireduring the night.

Urgingher to lie down by the fire, Mitch lay down beside her on one ofthe blankets, with the second covering them forwarmth. Audra soon dozed off.

Sheawoke in the nighttofind herself wrapped in Mitch’s embrace. He’d opened his jacket,and drawn her right in against his heart. She felt toasty warm andcomfortable. If only the dirt floor was a bit moreforgiving.

Snugglingcloser, she drifted back to sleep.


The coldwoke her. Opening her eyes, she moved her legs slightly. Mitch heldher, only now her back was spooned against him, his chest a solidwall of warmth, his arms holding her loosely. Herlegs were against his,but her feet were cold despite her shoes.

Slowlysurveying the cave, she realized she could see the ceiling, the farwall. Looking at the opening she saw it was well past dawn.

Sittingup, she shivered. The air felt cool, but the rainhad stopped. The sky,what small portion she could see, was a deep blue. Sunshine shonethrough the tops of the trees.

“Goodmorning,” Mitch said.

Sheturned and smiled, her heart catching. He looked fantastic. Hismorning beard looked rugged and sexy. Histousled hair only had her yearning to brush itback.

She probablylooked like something the cat dragged in. His eyes caught hers anddidn’t let go.

“Wish we hadsome of that hot coffee left,” she said, looking away feelingflustered.

“Time tohead for home. I likecamping out, but this is ridiculous.”

Scrambling toher feet, Audra reached down and began to fold the blankets. Thefire had gone out during the wee morning hours. There was nothingremaining but a small pile of ash.

Stuffingthe backpack, she lookedat his wet clothes.

“I’lltake thosein my backpack. No sense getting the blankets wet,” he said, as ifreading her mind.

Mitch put onhis shoes, wincing slightly as his injured foot slipped in.

“Are theydry?” she asked.

“No. ButI set them close tothefire last night. They won’t squirt water with every step, in anyevent.”

Two minuteslater they were ready to leave. Audra gazed around the cave for amoment, then shook her head.

“Thiswasn’t quite how I wanted to go exploring. I expected pirateshaditwarmer.”

“Maybe,but I wouldn’t want toplay pirate with anyone else except you,” Mitch said gruffly as hetried putting weight on his injured ankle.

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