Page 56 of Shattered Union
“No, baby, you’re not.”
She gapes at me, her mouth hanging open in shock.
“You think I’d have let you walk away even when you weren’t carrying my children? No, never.Mo ghrá, when are you going to learn that you are everything?”
She tilts her head and looks at me. “I don’t believe you. I can’t. I’ve been waiting and waiting and nothing.”
I sigh. “I’m not going anywhere, Callie. And tonight, this is all over.”
“I’ll see it to believe it,” she tells me. She steps up to me and kisses me on my cheek. “Just keep the bitch away from me, Denis, if not, I’ll let my family at her.”
I watch as she walks away, knowing that until Zoe’s out of my life I’ll have to leave her be.
I never thought for a second Zoe would go after Callie, that she’d actually try to harm her. For that, she’s going to pay. For trying to kill her and my children, she can get fucked if she thinks I’ll go easy on her.
I pull out my phone and call Michael. “Find Zoe,” I snap as soon as he answers. “Take her for a drive, some scenery would be nice.”
I hear him chuckle. “On it, boss. I’m pretty sure she’s skulking around inside.”
She had better fucking not be. “Find her, Mike, and do it now.”
He releases a low whistle. “Damn. About time. I’m on it.”
Good. He’ll take her out to the countryside where it’s quiet and no one will hear her screams when I finally get to end her miserable life.
I end the call and just in time as Malcolm, Jerry, and Maverick walk into the office.
“What’s going on?” Mal questions.
“My sister’s pregnant,” Mav hisses. “What the fuck are you playing at?”
“Enough,” Jerry shouts. “Your sister doesn’t need the stress. Sit your arse down and let the man talk.”
I glance at my son, he’s no idea what his ma’s done. There’s no saving her now.
I tell them about what the fuck Zoe’s done and why I stayed married to her for so fucking long.
“So what happens now?” Maverick questions. “She’s not going to get away with what she’s done.”
“No, she’s not. Tonight, Zoe dies.”
Mal nods his head, no hurt or anger in his eyes. Just acceptance. I guess my kids knew this day would come. It was only a matter of time.
“Make it fucking hurt,” Jerry snarls.
Oh, I fucking plan on it. Zoe’s going to get what she fucking deserves.
Walking away from Denis hurts, but for me and our unborn children it’s the right thing to do. I’m not safe while Zoe’s around. I don’t know the full ins and outs of her marriage to Denis, but what I know is she’s an evil cow. Zoe’s unstable, and I have to protect my children.
Being in a marriage where you're both cheating isn’t healthy. It’s got to mess with your mind, twist you, and damage you. I feel sorry for her in some respects. Denis claims he loves me and I believe he does. I can’t imagine what Zoe must feel like knowing the man she’s been married to for the past twenty years loves someone else. It’s got to hurt like hell.
“Callie, baby,” Mam says as soon as the door closes behind me. “What’s going on?”
Today has just been a complete and utter clusterfuck. “Mam…”