Page 57 of Shattered Union
She shakes her head. “Don’t you mam me anything.” She snaps her fingers at me. “Start talking. Why didn’t you tell anyone it was Denis Gallagher who you were seeing?”
“Mam,” I sigh. “It was new and then it was over. There was nothing to tell.”
She glares at me, crossing her arms over her chest. “You should have come to me,” she implores.
“Why, so you could twist it? Yell? Tell me I was stupid for dating a married man? Like you’re dying to do now.”
“Okay,” Dad says, stepping between us. “Callie, your mam’s worried about you, she’s hurt that she’s finding this out now.”
“I know, but Dad…”
He shakes his head. “No buts.”
God, I hate when they gang up on me.
“Is there anything else you want to tell us? Something else you’re hiding?” Mam asks, her tone filled with anger and annoyance.
I glance at Ava, who gives me a small nod. I guess today is the day for letting everyone in on the secret.
“What?” Dad questions, his gaze moving between me and Ava. “What is it?”
“I’m pregnant,” I announce and hear the instant swift intakes of breaths.
“You’re what?” Mam hisses. “Christ sake, Callie, what the hell were you thinking?”
Pain slices through me at the venom in my mam’s voice. I knew she wouldn’t be happy, but this is taking it a step too far.
“She wasn’t,” Mav inputs with a grunt. “Obviously.”
“Actually,” I say sharply. “I fell in love with a man. One I didn’t know was married, because he lied. So I fell in love and wound up pregnant. You’d think I fucking killed someone with the way you’re all acting.”
I shake my head and stare at my family. I thought they’d have my back, that they’d be supportive. Instead, I feel anything but.
I push past them and start climbing up the stairs.
“Callie—” Dad says, but I don’t stop. I can’t deal with this right now.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Mam asks, her voice growing louder.
“Upstairs,” I reply as I carry on moving. Taking the steps one at a time.
As soon as I’m in my room, I shut the door and strip out of my dress. Tears prick my eyes. I can’t believe my mam; she’s so angry. But I don’t deserve it. I made a mistake, one I’m paying for. I get she’s hurt. I would be too if the tables were reversed, but the anger and the venom aren’t warranted.
My quick movements have me wincing and trying to catch my breath. I glance down at my ribs, the bruising on them still evident even after a week. Having a cracked rib is painful as hell and any movement I make has it pulling and sending pain ricocheting throughout my chest.
I sink to the floor, bringing my knees to my chest. This past week has been hell. Everything is crumbling down on top of me. I let the tears fall freely, sobbing quietly into my knees.
I feel as though I’m broken. That nothing will ever be right again. I’m confused, by Denis, and by my mam’s reaction to finding out what happened. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be doing right now. Do I want to pack up my life and move to London? No, but I’m not really sure I have a choice. If I stay here, I’ll not be able to get over Denis, he’ll not let me. He’s going to be a constant presence. But that’ll mean the ever-present threat of Zoe, and that’s just something I will not have. I won’t put my children in danger.
Once my crying jag is over, I realise I need space. Time away from my family. Time alone. Where I can think and just be. I quickly pull on leggings, a T-shirt, an oversized jumper, and my runners. I reach for my keys and handbag which are sitting on the dressing table.
The house is quiet as I make my way down the stairs. Are the guests still here? I’m going to have to apologise to Uncle Jer. I never meant to cause any trouble, nor did I want his party to end before it even began.
“Callie girl?” I turn at the hushed whisper and see Uncle Jer staring at me with a raised brow. “Going somewhere?” he questions, his hands in his pockets. He does that a lot when he’s annoyed.
“I need some air. I’ve been cooped up too long,” I tell him honestly. Since the night they attacked me, I’ve not gone anywhere. I was in hospital and then came here. I need some air and space.
He stares at me, his eyes narrowing like he doesn’t believe me.