Page 78 of Explosive Union
She huffs but thankfully doesn’t argue.
“I won’t be long,” I tell her when she’s dressed and lying in bed. “I’ll pick dinner up along the way.”
“Be good and be safe,” she says, her words slurred with sleep.
I have a smile on my face as I leave the house.
* * *
“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Dario questions me. The fucker’s anxious to do it himself.
“I’m sure,” I say with a smile. “It’s time to show the world what happens when you touch what’s mine.” I step out of the shadows and kick the door in. This fucker really should have invested in better security features.
A shrill scream fills the air and I roll my eyes when the woman collapses to the floor, her body shaking in terror as I, Elio, and Dario step foot inside of her house.
“Where is he?” I question her, knowing damn well the fat fuck is in here. He entered about an hour ago and hasn’t left since.
Her body is trembling so much that she’s unable to speak. “Find him,” I instruct my brothers.
“Wh—" she mumbles. “Who are you?”
My laugh is dark. “That’s something your husband should have realized before he put hands on my wife.”
“What the fuck are you doing here?” the asshole in question yells as my brothers drag him into the kitchen where his wife is a puddle of fear. He’s wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, so unlike the suit he was wearing earlier when he arrived. From everything that Elio gathered, he’s been put on suspension while there’s an investigation about what happened in that interview room.
Not that anyone with fucking eyes can’t see already. It doesn’t matter what the outcome of that inquiry is, this bastard isn’t going to find out.
“You touched my wife,” I hiss at him as I take a step forward, my brothers releasing the bastard.
“She killed my brother,” he roars, his face reddening by the second.
“Did she now? And why would she do that?” I ask as I step closer, my foot inches from his hand. That’s the first thing I’m going to break.
“Because he raped her,” he spits. “They all did. It’s what she deserves. Fucking whore.”
My foot connects with his jaw, and the sound of bone shattering isn’t enough to appease me. Fuck no. He needs to feel more pain.
“You do not talk about her like that,” I hiss as I bring my foot down onto his hand, his howl mumbled due to his jaw being broken.
Elio and Dario’s gazes are on me. Thanks to this fat fuck, they now know my wife’s secret. I ignore their intense stares and focus on the bastard in front of me, who’s cradling his hand.
“By the time I’m finished with you, you’re going to wish you hadn’t met my wife.” My fist slams into his nose, and I smile when blood spurts from it.
Elio glances at his watch and holds up three fingers. I have three minutes to be done and get out of here.
“Tie him to the chair,” I instruct them. “Both of them.” This calls for things to get a little hot in here. I, for one, am not going to be in here when it does.
Once we have the two tied to their kitchen chairs, I turn my back and move toward the back of the house, taking out one of the devices I brought with me. Something Niccolò’s brother is great at making. Once I plant it in the master bedroom, I move back to the kitchen. My brother’s impatient glare is enough to tell me I’m close to the allotted time. This neighborhood is quiet, and it won’t take long until the cops are here.
I fit the bomb against the stove and smile when the bastard’s bitch starts to whimper. Oh, she knows what’s about to happen.
“You are the most wanted man in Chicago, if not the state. No one is going to shed a fucking tear for you.” I walk out of the house with a smile on my face.
Elio and Dario are in step beside me, both of them buzzing with adrenaline. I don’t give a fuck who dies as a result. If this explosion takes out the entire housing project.
The moment we’re in our car, I hit dial on the throw away cell. The vehicle rattles with the force of the explosion, alarms, and wails sound. It won’t be long until the sirens of the EMTs and cops start.
“Not a chance they survived,” Dario says from the backseat. “The look on the bitch’s face when she saw the bomb. Couldn’t have put it in a better place,” he praises me. That’s Dario all over. He’s all about the thrill of the kill, the way to terrorize people. When it comes to the serious stuff, he wants nothing to do with it.