Page 26 of Craving Their Mate
For the life of her, she couldn’t figure out his angle or what she should say. She supposed the truth might be the best. “Some things didn’t match, so I asked Doug about it. He told me it was merely a clerical issue on the part of his department, and that he would fix it.” She leaned forward. “Don’t you think that was true?”
He smiled, acting as if she’d given him a present. “No, I’m sure it’s true. I’ll have our head accountant take a look at it. I just wanted your opinion.”
Her opinion? She was practically a new hire. Or did he suspect she was looking for dirt on the company? “Thank you.”
“Keep up the good work, Ms.?”
He nodded. “How long have you worked for us? You look vaguely familiar.”
Oh, shit. “Two years.”
He stared at her for a few seconds. “Let me know if you spot any other issues.” He nodded to the door.
“I will.” Paris smiled, albeit a fake one, stood, and walked as casually as she could to the exit. Unfortunately, that lady was waiting for her right outside. When she escorted Paris back to her desk, she kind of felt like a criminal. Didn’t they think she was capable of finding her way back to where she worked? Or did they think Paris might steal a pen off someone’s desk?
They couldn’t have any idea that she believed they were criminals. If so, why not just fire her?
When Paris passed Jenna’s desk, she slightly shook her head. For some reason, Paris suspected she was being watched. As soon as she sat down, she checked the time and then blew out a breath. It was almost lunch time. Usually, she and Jenna ate in the cafeteria, but today, she needed to get the hell out of there.
Paris first checked her email and then her phone to see if either Rider or Grayson had sent her a message. They hadn’t, but possibly it was because they thought her phone messages and emails might be traced. However, if they thought that, why call her about the tunnel?
She turned around and faced Jenna. “Care to go to the diner for lunch?” The Treetops Diner was fairly close by, and the service was usually pretty fast.
They weren’t required to clock in and out but spending too much time at lunch was frowned upon. “I’ll drive.”
As soon as they slipped into Paris’ car, Jenna faced her. “Tell me about the meeting.”
“I finally met Richard Delancey.”
“Oh, shit. What did he want?”
“He asked about the inconsistencies in the inventory. Apparently, Doug told him what I’d found.”
Jenna glanced out the side window for a moment. “What did you say?”
“Just that I found some issues, but that Doug explained it was a clerical error.”
Jenna shook her head. “Really? If Doug told him that already, why ask you?”
Paris had been too nervous to think about that. “I don’t know. Maybe he suspects something is off and wanted to see for himself how much I really knew.”
“What do you know?”
“That’s the problem. I don’t know much.“
“So it’s nothing?” Jenna asked.
“It would appear so, but I have the sense that Delancey might have asked Doug to keep a closer eye on me. If our company is involved in the drug trade, Doug might be in on it. It could be his job to keep the legal and the illegal portions of the business separate. Admittedly, that's a total guess, but the possibility exists."
Jenna leaned her head back. “All that means is that we need to be extra careful.”
Paris debated whether she should mention the interaction with her boss to Rider and Grayson. Considering their protective nature, the men might insist she take off a few days and hole up in their motel room.
Paris chuckled. Now that would be interesting. Images of wild sex flashed in her head.