Page 27 of Craving Their Mate
“What’s so funny?” Jenna asked.
Heat raced up Paris’ face. “Nothing. I was just deciding whether to tell Rider and Grayson.”
“You have to.”
“Why?” Paris asked.
“They seem to know things, especially about the owner.”
She blew out a breath. “I’ll think about it.”
* * *
At four o’clock, Grayson’s phone rang. “Hey, it’s Paris,” Grayson told Rider.
“Answer it, dude.”
“Hey there. Is something wrong?” Worry instantly flooded him.
“I’m not sure. It’s probably nothing, but I wanted to let you know that Richard Delancey called me into his office today.”
Every protective bone in his body tensed. “Where are you right now?”
“In the ladies’ room.”
Smart. Most likely there weren’t any cameras in there. “Did he say why he needed to see you?”
She explained what her boss said. “I have the feeling it was to see what I knew. The inventory supervisor had already filled him in.”
“I don’t like it. Can I put you on speaker? Rider is with me.”
“What’s the name of this inventory guy?”
“Doug Peterson,” she told him. Rider entered the name in his phone.
“What’s your sense about him?” Grayson asked. “Have you had any reason not to trust him?”
“I mentioned at dinner that I thought he might be covering up something, but it’s only a feeling.”
“We should put a tracking device on his car,”Grayson telepathed Rider.
“Good idea.”
“Do you know what kind of car he drives?” Grayson asked.
That was understandable unless she walked out with him after work. “Is there a way to find out?”
Grayson explained about the tracking devices that he’d ordered. “They’ll arrive tomorrow.”
“What are you hoping to learn? Whether he goes to Delancey’s house or is personally delivery packets of drugs somewhere?”
That was an excellent question. He looked up at Rider.“Thoughts?”