Page 43 of Craving Their Mate
Rider studied the area. “The pipes are a good hundred meters from the main building. Unless there is a long tunnel connecting the two buildings, there has to be another entrance.”
Alex checked his watch. “The last guards made their rounds about fifteen minutes ago. They aren’t always regular, but we could head on down and see what we can find.”
“I don’t want to chance it. How about we head back and check the cameras instead? They might have picked up something during the day that we missed.” Though what that could be, he had no idea.
“You’re the boss,” Liam said.
“Meet you back at the motel.”
Rider drove back and parked. When he entered his room, Grayson was dressed and sitting at the table. “We need to head to Liam and Alex’s room,” he told him.
Grayson jumped up. “You found something?”
Rider explained about the exhaust pipes that could be air vents. “From the smell, I’m thinking exhaust from some kind of cocaine production.”
“That would be careless of them. People on the late shift might smell it and ask about it—assuming the scent is easy to identify.”
“That would be an issue. We were on the hill and could smell it. I can only imagine how strong it is next to the building. You think they’d have filters,” Rider said.
“I’m pretty sure the process of making legal drugs needs to be vented according to strict standards. If they have them in place for their legitimate business, why not duplicate it for this other system?” Grayson asked.
Rider’s bit of hope deflated. “You might be right. Damn. I thought we’d really found something. Let’s head next door anyway and see if something shows up on the feed.” He’d just heard Alex and Liam go into their room.
Even though Rider had a key to their room, he knocked, and Alex answered. “Come in. Liam is pulling up the feed now.”
It took a while to find the right camera. “Can you zoom in on this one?” Rider asked as he pointed to one in particular.
“I’ll try,” Liam said.
Even when he did, it didn’t help much. “I can see something coming out of the ground, but it’s not all that clear. We need to find out their purpose.”
“Do you think Paris has any idea?” Grayson asked.
Rider checked his watch. “We could wake her. She has to be up soon anyway.”
“I’ll go,” Grayson said, and Rider couldn’t help but dip his chin. “What? You went to the property while I had to wait here.”
Rider swore he hadn’t moved a muscle. “Go, but announce who you are so you don’t scare her to death.”
“Will do.”
Grayson grinned and took off. If he didn’t return in five minutes, Rider would go after him.
* * *
At the sound of an odd noise, Paris tried to figure out where it was coming from. She’d been sound asleep and was having a hard time waking up.
A soft knock sounded. This time she figured out it was coming from the door.
Her eyes opened, and her brain engaged. She leaned over and clicked on the light. “Yes?”
“It’s Grayson. I need to talk to you.”
She glanced at the clock. It was five in the morning. When that realization hit, dread filled her. “Coming.”
She jumped out of bed, rushed to the door, and opened it.