Page 44 of Craving Their Mate
Grayson took one step forward and halted. “Ah, maybe you should put on something less see-through.”
He averted his gaze, but he couldn’t hide the growth on his face or on the back of his hands. She, too, had a major reaction—that of embarrassment.
“Sorry. I didn’t think.” Paris rushed over to her suitcase and grabbed a T-shirt to pull over her shortie pajamas. “You can come in now.”
Grayson seemed to have composed himself. “Look, I’m really sorry to disturb you, but we figured you had to be up soon anyway.”
There was a big difference between getting up at five instead of eight. “That’s okay. What happened?”
Grayson motioned they sit at the table, which worked for her. “Liam and Alex were up on Miller’s Ridge when they spotted—or rather smelled—a stench coming from Harrison Industries.”
“A stench? Like garbage?” Werewolves had an excellent sense of smell, but so did she. Paris never smelled anything at work.
“More like a chemical scent.”
She searched her memory. “I don’t recall smelling anything like that. What do you think it is?”
“It’s possible there is an underground factory where they are manufacturing the illegal drugs. They’d have to vent it somehow.”
She whistled. “If that’s true, I wonder why I’ve never heard anything about it.”
“I imagine the workers would only be there at night. Have you ever worked the late shift?” he asked.
“No, but you could watch the entrance gate to see if the people are entering the main building or going someplace else.” Assuming that was what he was implying.
Grayson smiled. “That’s an excellent idea. It’s too late now, but maybe tomorrow.”
“Why is it too late? Are you sure the workers have left already? The day shift doesn’t start until nine, which I always thought was late—not that I would ever complain. If there is another plant nearby, they’d work until seven a.m. at least.”
Grayson rubbed his chin. “You have a point. So I’m clear, you’ve never smelled any strange chemical odor when you've arrived to work or when you've left?”
“No, though I can’t say I really paid attention.”
“According to the others, it’s hard to miss the stench.” He stared off the side for a moment. “Has anyone ever mentioned anything about the kind of exhaust system used in your manufacturing plant?”
She shrugged. “Just that some of the workers have mentioned they have to be dressed in significant protective gear, but it wasn’t something that I ever asked about.”
Someone knocked on her door, and the hair on Paris’ arms rose.
“It’s probably just Rider. He told me not to take too long. He probably thinks we’re naked or something.” Grayson threw her a grin and then pushed back his chair.
“Never going to happen,” she called after him. Too bad she was chuckling when she said it.
Grayson pulled open the door. “We were just finishing up.”
Rider immediately shot a glance over to her. “He behaving?”
Now she laughed. “Definitely.”
Rider strode over to the table and sat across from her, leaving Grayson to either stand or sit on the bed. He chose to stand.
“Do you think you can find out which architectural firm designed your building?” Rider asked her.
That seemed like a random request. “I have no idea, but I could ask. Why?”
“Being a laboratory, their exhaust system would be in the plans. We want to see if any of the exhaust is being routed away from the building.”
Grayson nodded to Paris’ computer. “May I check something?”