Page 42 of The B!tch List
“Please Nance, let me come in and explain.
“No, I neither need nor want an explanation from you. Go away and leave me alone.” Suddenly I felt weary and everything about the man in front of me just made me feel worse.
“Is there anything that I can say to put this right?” he asked.
His voice said he was contrite, the puppy dog look on his face said he was contrite, but the glint in his eye and the way he stood tall and straight told me he was not sorry at all.
“Why did you come back?”
He paused for a beat and then grinned. “For you of course.”
“No, Minnesota. The real reason. You didn’t come back for me.”
“You don’t know that,” he replied. “You can’t say that.”
“I can because it’s true. If you truly wanted me then you’d have come back before now, and you certainly wouldn’t have got engaged to someone else.” I pushed him back away from my door. “She dumped you, didn’t she?”
It was quick and I almost missed it, but he winced.
“Thought so.” I nodded and sighed. “Goodnight, Minnesota.”
He took a step back of his own accord allowing me to slam the door. Once it was closed, I rested my forehead against it and listened as Minnesota’s footsteps retreated along the hall to the elevator.
“Thank God,” I whispered and pushed away from the door.
I wanted the damn day to end. Everything with Minnesota, the arguing with Shaw, the crap going on at work with Mrs. Baker, all of it had made me feel drained. All I wanted was to take a bath and then go to bed and sleep.
That was why when my phone rang, my heart sank. Maybe Minnesota hadn’t got the message. However, when I picked it up, I almost lost my breath when I saw that it was Belinda. She must have news about the old bank.
“Belinda,” I said hurriedly. “What have you got for me?”
“Hi sugar, I’m so sorry to bother you this late at night.”
“It’s fine. I’m anxious to get this done so I really don’t mind.” I crossed my fingers and silently prayed. “Did I get it?”
“I’ve been trying to get in touch with Shaw for the last two hours but he’s not picking up and now it’s getting critical.”
Damn Shaw and damn Belinda for not calling me sooner.
“Okay, what’s the problem?” I asked, already plotting Shaw Jackson’s murder.
“The owner got back to me. He wants a quick sale and has said it has to go to sealed bids.”
“Sealed bids?” My heart sank. “Honestly?”
“I’m sorry, Nancy but yes. I also know that the other party has put theirs in already.” She lowered her voice. “I got that info on the quiet so don’t tell anyone that you know. That’s why I was so desperate to get a hold of Shaw, so he can get yours in.”
“Can’t I do that?” I asked, mentally working out how much. “What do I do, just write it down on a piece of paper?”
“Normally sugar, but he’s being awkward. He wants it to come from your lawyer along with your business proposal. It’s not usual I admit, but he’s the one with the building and therefore the power, so can I guess he can ask for whatever he likes.” She sighed heavily. “Like I said he’s being awkward. You have no idea where Shaw is do you? I mean you could do it yourself, but it’ll look much better coming from your lawyer.”
Damn Shaw Jackson.
“How long do I have?” I asked.
“You have… two hours and counting. He said any bids not in by then lose out and seeing as there’s only you and Ru…I mean another party you’d be handing it over to them.”
“I know it’s Ruthie, Belinda. Mrs. Callahan worked her magic.”