Page 43 of The B!tch List
Belinda chuckled. “Okay, well we all know how Ruthie is when she’s determined and she’s real determined about this, so we need to get in touch with Shaw asap.”
“Okay.” I closed my eyes and mourned the hot bath that I wouldn’t be taking. “I’ll go over to his folks house and see if they know where he is.”
“Good plan, sugar and in the meantime, I’ll try and get you an extension. I’ll tell the owner that you’ve been out of town or something. Oh, and he did say you can email it as it’s such short notice.”
“How nice of him,” I groaned, not feeling like it helped me at all.
“Good luck, sugar.”
As soon as Belinda rang off, I snatched up my keys and headed out of the door determined to find Shaw, even if it I died trying.
Nancy’s Bitch List for Shaw
Maximus Douchimus
Captain Shitsmear
Shit Talking Cock Womble
Dipshit Cockhead
Scrote Noggin
AssiliciousFat Ass
Tia was grouchy and no matter what I did, she wouldn’t stop crying. I’d tried to do silly voices with her doll and an old teddy bear of mine, but apparently, I was no children’s entertainer.
I’d sent Mom and Dad off to their card night with Henry, Melinda, Jefferson and Kitty and told them that I’d call Bronte if I needed any help. When they left, she was fast asleep, so I was convinced it would be a breeze. A half hour after my folks had gone and Hurricane Tia started.
“Come on, sweetheart,” I whispered against her cheek, desperately trying to soothe her. “What’s wrong, hey?”
Her diaper was clean, I tried calming her with some warm milk like Mom had, and I’d even given her a soother despite some mom’s website I found which recommended not to at her age. It was in the bag that Mrs. Devonshire left, so I guessed she usually had one.
“Tia, sweetheart, come on. Please don’t make me call my mom.”
“Momma,” she said in between sobs, and it broke my heart. She didn’t have a clue why her Momma wasn’t here so no wonder she was so upset.
“Do you want me to call my mom?” I asked but got no response, just more crying.
For some reason I didn’t want to say the word ‘Grandma’, just in case it she wasn’t. I didn’t know why but something in my heart told me that maybe this baby could be mine. I’d found myself searching her face for features that resembled me or someone else in the family. Like Mom said she was pretty loud like me and my brother, and sister. Sometimes she screwed her nose up and I could swear it was Bronte looking up at me. Maybe I was seeing things that weren’t there and I had no idea why. Why the hell did I want this screaming bundle of blonde hair and rosy cheeks to be mine? It wasn’t the best time for this to be happening, but now she was under our roof, and I’d spent time with her the feeling wouldn’t go away.
Then she screamed loud enough to burst my eardrum and for a moment I had second thoughts. Groaning, I lifted her higher over my shoulder and rubbed her back like Mom had said would comfort her. It wasn’t helping so when there was a knock on the front door, I silently thanked whoever had been listening to my prayers.
“Okay, let’s see who has come to see us.” With Tia still screaming in my ear, I walked down the hallway to the front door. Pressing a hand on her back to make sure I didn’t drop her, I swung the door open.
“Nancy.” Well, that was a surprise.
“Hey.” She frowned and pointed at Tia. “Did Bronte and Carter have a baby already? Because it’s a big one if they did.”
As Tia screamed again, I shook my head. “Nope. Long story.” I stood to one side. “You’d better come in.”
“Are you sure?” she asked. “I could come back another time.”
She looked disappointed, so I shook my head. “No, it’s fine and to be honest I could probably do with your expertise.”