Page 44 of The B!tch List
Nancy looked back down the driveway to where her car was parked behind mine. She then turned back to me and nodded before stepping through the doorway.
“So, what’s the story?” she asked as I led her into the living room where an array of toys and Legos was scattered around. “Unless you don’t want to tell me of course.”
I jiggled Tia up and down and felt the sweat prick my brow. “I will but please Nance, tell me what to do first. She’s had some warm milk, she’s dry, she even burped as loud as my dad after Mom’s fried chicken, so I don’t think she has a stomachache.”
She held her arms out. “Give her to me.”
Handing her over, I sighed with relief, but only because I had some back up. The screaming didn’t stop. Nancy cradled Tia against her and took her over to the couch. She laid her down and immediately started to undress her. She took off the little pink knitted cardigan I’d put on her because I thought she might be cold and then pulled open the buttons on the white all in one sleep suit thing that mom had dressed her in after she’d shown me how to give her a bath. Underneath that was an all-in-one vest and Nancy removed that too. Once Tia was down to her diaper Nancy started to blow on her stomach and as if by magic the screaming toddler stopped crying. When Nancy started to draw shapes on her little pudgy belly with her finger, Tia started to giggle. They were light and free, and her little chuckles filled my heart.
“Amazing,” I gasped. “How the hell did you do that?”
Nancy glanced up at me. “She was hot is all. It is pretty warm in here.”
I grimaced. “I cranked up the heating because I read that babies need to be warm. I also put that pink cardigan on her.”
“Yes, they do,” Nancy replied her gaze going back to Tia. “But it’s like eighty degrees out there, Shaw. She’ll be plenty warm, just don’t put her under the A/C.”
I blew out a sigh of relief. “Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would have done without you. I didn’t really want to call Mom and Dad back from cards night.”
“You seemed to be doing okay, and she’s happy enough now.” We both looked at Tia whose eyes were drooping. “I’ll put her onesie back on. Where is she sleeping?”
“She’s taken over Rett’s room as well as in here, but you can put her on the couch for now so I can keep an eye on her.”
Nancy rolled her eyes and smiled as she gently started to redress Tia, minus the cardigan, while I went to turn down the heating. By the time she’d finished, she was fast asleep. She then gently lifted her and went to place her on the couch stacking a couple of cushions down the side of her. Tia immediately turned on her side, rubbed her nose with her tiny fist, wiggled her little ass and then fell into a deep sleep.
“You’re a miracle worker,” I said, looking down on the sleeping child.
“Like I said, you were doing okay, it’s just experience. I work with little kids, and I also did a child development course.”
“I know but I just wish I could have settled her.” I scrubbed a hand down my face. “It’s a lot to remember.”
“You going to tell me what’s going on?” Nancy asked, gently stroking Tia’s stomach.
I laughed. “I may or may not have a kid,” I replied, inviting her to sit down so that I could continue to tell her the whole story.
“This is the child who may only be ninety-five percent yours?” she asked.
“Yep, that’s the one.”
“That’s why you were late last night for the talent show?”
“Yep, pretty much. Mom took care of her while I was there, but I wasn’t sure whether to leave her or not.”
“What happens if she’s not yours?” She glanced over at the couch where Tia was still sleeping. “If it’s the five percent that wins out?”
I shrugged. “Mrs. Devonshire doesn’t want her, and I have no idea if Monique was seeing anyone else other than me and the prof.” I blew out a breath. “I can’t let her go into the system though Nance. I couldn’t forgive myself. I’d always be wondering.”
“If she’s not yours though.” She leaned forward and grabbed my forearm. “It’s a big responsibility, Shaw, and you’re just getting started in your career.”
Her hand felt warm and comforting and when she gently rubbed my skin, something shifted in my chest. I couldn’t think about that though.
“Shaw, it’s a huge sacrifice too,” Nancy said bringing my attention back to the matter in hand.
“But if she is mine then I’ll be in the same position.” I lifted one side of my mouth into a resigned smile. “You know the day that I found out about her I was sure that she was not what I wanted or needed in my life. I think I even silently offered to have my dick pierced instead.” I grimaced and she laughed.
“Hmm that would be interesting.”
“Not that you’d see it,” I replied with a smirk. Who the hell was I kidding? She’d have been the first person I’d want to experience it. Like I said, magical pussy.