Page 74 of Twisted Redemption
Alex wouldn’t kill Francis, right? Our father was terrible—especially to me and mom. But I don’t know if Alex could kill someone. He may have a dark side, but I don’t think it’s that dark.
Besides—he’d never keep something like that from me. Alex doesn’t lie to me. Ever.
By the time I get downstairs, David is the last thing on my mind. All I can think about is Alex. What if they never let him out? What if they convict him even though he’s innocent?
I’m so caught up in my thoughts that I don’t notice the smell of eggs and bacon coming from the kitchen. Not until a hand on my lower back causes me to jump out of my skin with a yelp.
“Whoa, hey there.” Blaze pulls me into him. He’s holding a spatula in one hand. “You good? You seem distracted.”
“I guess,” I say, looking around the kitchen. Two empty plates are set on the island with forks and glasses of orange juice. “Are you making us breakfast?”
He kisses the top of my head. “Yes. Now tell me what’s on your mind.”
“Alex. He’ll get out, right? On bail. What if he doesn’t and a trial takes months? Or years?”
“He’ll get out, Daisy. He’s got one of the best lawyers in the state working on his behalf. And once we get more information, I’m sure everything will get sorted out. Alex was at the bar with us, remember?”
“I wasn’t there,” I remind him. “I was at home fighting—” I cut myself off. “Doesn’t matter.”
I feel Blaze’s eyes on me as I walk away, sitting at one of the stools by the island.
When my dad drunkenly crashed his boat and died, it’d been on the annual Grayson-Hendricks Florida vacation we’ve been taking since we were kids. I was supposed to go out fishing with him, but at the last minute I decided I didn’t want to deal with my dad’s bullshit. Well, Alex expressed his concern about me being trapped on a boat with just Francis for multiple hours.
Long story short, I decided not to go. The guys all went to a bar, and I wanted to go with them, but David made me stay home instead. It didn’t take long before the reason came out: he didn’t want me anywhere near Blaze.
I’ve always thought David was irrationally jealous of my friendship with Blaze. But now that we’re where we are, maybe he had a point. Blaze and I have been attracted to each other for years. We’ve just both been suppressing it.
Blaze shoves some eggs and bacon on my plate before dumping the rest on his. As he sets the frying pan back on the stove, he says, “Did David ever hurt you, Daisy?”
I watch him cautiously. His jaw is set, and his shoulders are too tense. But when he turns and meets my gaze, the only emotions on his face are worry, mixed with a bit of regret.
He seems to be feeling a lot of the latter lately.
I shake my head. “Aside from Friday night, no.” Not physically.
“You’d tell me the truth? If he had?”
“Yes, Blaze. Of course. And if not you, I would’ve told Alex or Dom. You know that.”
He sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. “Yeah. I know.”
My phone chimes.
Imani: You’re still good for lunch today, right?
“Oh, shit. I forgot I’m supposed to go out with Imani and Lil today. Last minute wedding stuff.”
Imani’s wedding is approaching fast. Liling and I are her only bridesmaids, and she decided to skip the whole maid of honor deal because she didn’t want to pick between the two of us. We’re supposed to be going over seating chart arrangements and dealing with some other loose ends today.
“What time? I was able to get a therapy appointment at one this afternoon. I meant to tell you, but I—I guess I got distracted.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“Noon,” I say, pressing a hand to my reddening cheeks as I realize I’m probably what distracted him.
Blaze frowns. “I don’t like the idea of you being unprotected.”
“Imani’s bodyguard will be there. That guy who was at the club that night. Ryan, right?”
Blaze’s frown deepens as I remember his words. The only other person I trust with your safety is Dominic.