Page 75 of Twisted Redemption
“We’ll be fine,” I say gently. “It’s a public place. Nothing’s going to happen.”
Pulling out his phone, he comes around the counter and plops onto the stool next to me. “I’m adding another guy to her security detail for the afternoon.”
“Blaze, I don’t think—”
He drops his phone, turning and cupping my face with his hands. “I’m not taking any chances, Daisy. I won’t let him near you again.”
My heart melts. And then I’m crawling onto his lap, holding his face in my hands as I kiss him.
Maybe I shouldn’t. I know I need space to sort through everything that’s happened between the two of us. But now that he’s made it clear that he wants me—that he’ll fight for me—I can’t seem to stop myself.
When I finally pull away, his eyes are still closed, like he’s trying to savor the moment. I move to sit back on my stool, but his arms wrap around me.
“Promise me you’ll stay within the guys’ sight at all times.”
“If you’re asking me to let them come into the bathroom with me, that’s weird.”
His eyes darken. “Absolutely not. But one of them will stay right outside the door. I meant it, Brooke. I’m not taking any chances. So I need you to fucking promise me.”
I raise an eyebrow. Grayson Security’s staff is highly trained. They don’t mess around. So I’m pretty sure that even if I tried to get away from them, I wouldn’t be able to.
But the worry on Blaze’s features tugs at my heart. So I wrap my arms around his neck and touch my forehead to his.
“I promise.”
I TURN at the sound of Liling’s voice, finding her waiting next to Imani in front of the restaurant. Two men in gray suits stand behind them, looking intimidating as hell.
I grin at them as Blaze and I move closer, hand in hand. Imani and Liling give me an odd look, but for now, I ignore it.
“So she is your girlfriend,” Ryan says, cutting Blaze a sly look.
I freeze, eyes widening. Blaze and I haven’t discussed what we are yet, probably because it’s still up in the air if we’ll continue to even be a thing.
But Blaze just turns to me, lifting my face with two fingers under my chin. “No,” he says, leaning down and kissing me. “She’s my everything.”
My knees almost go weak at the look in his eyes as he pulls away. When he lets go of me, I cover my mouth with my hand to hide the smile forming.
He told me that last night. But saying it in front of other people? David never did anything like that.
“We’ll keep her safe,” the other bodyguard says. He’s taller than Ryan, with dark hair instead of Ryan’s light brown.
I give Blaze’s hand a squeeze.
With a sigh and a kiss on my forehead, he says, “I’ll see you later.”
Watching him go is harder than I thought it would be. We’ve spent so much time in such close proximity ever since Friday night, it feels weird for us to be apart.
“That was fast,” Imani says, leveling me with one of her concerned glances.
I blush. After Blaze interrupted our call the other night, I let them know that I was okay, but I haven’t updated them on what’s happened. “Let’s just get inside.”
“Don’t think you’re getting out of telling us everything,” Liling says, crossing her arms. “We have wedding shit to do, but whatever that was? I want all the details. And I want to make sure he’s not going to hurt you again.”
I open my mouth to reassure her, but I realize I can’t. Because I’m worried he’ll hurt me again, too. There’s no guarantee this will work out.
Once we’re seated, I direct the conversation to wedding stuff. Ryan and the other bodyguard stay out of earshot, but one of them always has their eyes on us. And I can’t help but notice how much Ryan’s gaze lingers on Liling. If she notices, she doesn’t let on.