Page 76 of Twisted Redemption
Once we’ve finalized the seating arrangements and gone over some other details for the reception, Imani turns to me with one eyebrow cocked.
I gulp down my water, looking outside. We’re seated right by a window, looking out over the patio and the Delaware River. “So what?”
“What the hell is going on between you and Blaze?” she hisses.
I sigh. Somehow, I don’t think my two best friends will approve of the way things are going with us. But how can I stop myself from falling for the one person I’ve wanted my whole life?
Who am I kidding—I fell for him a long time ago. I’ve just been telling myself that I can’t have him.
“After he ended our call—sorry about that, by the way—we had a really big fight. I basically asked him to stop torturing me, and to just let me go, and he said he couldn’t.”
“Couldn’t?” Liling frowns. “That’s stupid.”
“He said that I’ve engraved myself so deeply into his heart that he can’t figure out where he ends and I begin,” I say softly.
Imani’s jaw drops. “That’s... wow.”
“It made something click in his head. He realized he was trying to punish me for hurting him when David made me cut him off. He apologized, and he’s trying to do better.”
Both Imani and Liling stare at me, and I squirm. When I say it all out loud, it’s a pretty weak argument. He hurt me—absolutely decimated me—and here I am, giving him another chance like it’s nothing.
“He’s my best friend,” I say, unable to avoid the defensiveness in my tone. “He knows me better than anyone else. I know he hurt me. I know he doesn’t deserve a second chance. But living without him this past year has been hell. He’s trying to do better. He’s even going to therapy to try to work through everything.”
Imani takes a slow sip of her strawberry lemonade, a contemplative look on her face. “And if he hurts you again? What then?”
“Then I’ll drop him.”
“Forever,” Liling adds.
I nod.
“I’ll hold you to it, Brooke. We both will.” She gestures to Imani.
“I’m counting on it,” I whisper. Because I have too much of a weak spot for this man to know I’ll follow through.
“Okay, but isn’t he engaged?” Imani taps her fingers against the white tablecloth, a challenge in her eyes, but no condemnation. She’s always been slow to judge.
“Married, actually, as of yesterday.”
Fury flashes in Liling’s eyes. “No. No, Brooke. You’re better than being someone’s side piece. You deserve someone who’ll give you their all.” She pauses for a second before shaking her head. “No. This isn’t you. You hate cheating. I know you wouldn’t do that to another woman.”
“He’s not cheating.”
Liling throws her hands up, almost knocking over her glass. Behind her, I watch Ryan’s lips quirk up in an amused smile.
“He’s married! You’re not making any sense!” she exclaims.
“Quiet down,” I hiss, smiling at the couple eyeing us from two tables over. “It’s a marriage of convenience. Him and Charlie aren’t in love.”
Liling relaxes. “Oh.”
“I’m still not sure I like this.” Imani chews on her lip for a moment. “I know you grew up with him. I wish I had that type of connection with DeAndre. But a long history doesn’t mean shit when he’s been treating you the way he has.”
“I know. Trust me, I know. Look, things aren’t exactly... settled. We haven’t really put a label on what we are or anything. He knows he’s on thin ice. I’m not trusting him blindly. I just want to.”
“And that’s your problem, babe.” Liling reaches over the table and takes my hand in hers. “You’re not trusting him blindly, but you’re still trusting him. You let him kiss you. And there’s no denying the way you look at him.”