Page 34 of Wolf Rebellion
We all placed our orders and refills, waiting in silence until everything was delivered. Once the food arrived and the waitress went off to check her other customers, Roxanne set a black painted finger in the table. She moved it along the flat surface, muttering what I could only assume was a spell under her breath. When her finger stopped, a weird looking symbol gleamed in purple light on the table. The lot of us reeled back in surprise, witnessing our first display of magic.
When the symbol vanished, Roxanne huffed out a breath. "Okay, now we can talk. Nobody will hear our conversation, and nobody will come to bother us."
"What was that?" Kao asked in a loud voice, unable to help himself. Rosie and I stiffened looking around to see if anybody turned in our direction after Kao's outburst, but nobody did.
"A spell," Roxanne said, loud and clear. "Like I said, our voices are mute, and nobody will come near us."
"Any chance you can teach us that spell?" Raph raised his hand. "You know, so we can use it on our bedroom for when we get—ow!"
Del elbowed him on the ribcage and glared at her mate. "Not the time, Raphael."
"Unfortunately, even if I wanted to share it with you, you wouldn't be able to cast the spell. Not unless you have magic in your blood," Roxanne said, then looked to Rosie. "Now then, I take it you're the one the Wolf Moon has chosen.”
Both Kao and I took one of Rosie's hands in our own as she gulped. "I am, and from what I've been told, you also bear a gift from Mother Moon."
"I do." Roxanne grinned. Her eyes began to glow in that violet light I saw earlier, only this time, a bright pink light accompanied it. This one came from her forehead, where a crescent moon symbol took form at the center like a glowing tattoo.
Rosie gasped, reaching up to touch her forehead but there was no symbol on hers. She mentioned that she had one in her dreams, but it had yet to manifest in our reality. She hadn't awakened her gift yet.
"That's the same symbol I saw in my dreams," Rosie breathed out in disbelief. "Except mine was a different color."
"I imagine so." Roxanne ran her fingers over the neon pink mark that branded her one of Mother Moon's chosen one. "This is the symbol of the Pink Moon. Think of it as a branding, or a birthmark. I'm sure your symbol will appear when you unlock your gift."
"Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" Rosie asked sounding hopeful.
Roxanne reached into her vest pocket, pulling out a cigarette pack and a lighter. "That's what I'm here for. Now, what would you like to know?"
Excitement and nervousness were flooding my subconscious, all for an abundance of reasons. I was meeting a real witch for the first time in my life. I could maybe learn more about the history between wolves and witches. I could learn about what gift the Pink Moon granted someone like Roxanne. More importantly, I could hopefully unravel the secrets of the Wolf Moon's gift. My palms began to sweat with anticipation. There wasn't a guarantee that Roxanne would know anything about the Wolf Moon but it wasn't as if we had other options to pick and choose. I sent off a prayer to Mother Moon, begging her to give us something.
"I don't even know where to start," I said, my voice slightly shaking.
My twins' grip on my hands tightened in show of strength. I laced my fingers through theirs, holding them close like a lifeline.
"Let’s start with you telling us anything you know about the legend of the Wolf Moon," Del spoke up, once again taking charge of the situation. "Surely you must've heard something about it."
Roxanne took a moment to light up a cigarette, taking a deep inhale, then blowing out a stream of smoke. "I've heard a few things. When I first learned about being chosen about the Pink Moon, I did some research within my coven's library. One of the books I found held pages talking about Selene and her many full moons. As I'm sure you guys are aware, each full moon in the month has a unique name. Every generation, a child born under one of these moons are chosen by Selene to bear her gift. Twelve months in a year, thirteen full moons to choose a new child to bear a fraction of Selene's powers."
"Thirteen?" Kao tilted his head in confusion.
"Yes, every year there's a month with two full moons instead of one."
"The Blue Moon," Del said dryly.
Roxanne nodded. "Correct."
"Is each power different depending on which full moon chooses you?" Javier asked.
"From what I can tell, yes."
"What ability did the Pink Moon give you?" Kao asked.
Roxanne took another puff of her smoke before saying, "Telemancy."
"Tela what now?"
"Telemancy," Roxanne repeated. "Magic of the mind. I can read minds, move objects with my mind, create illusions. I can even control someone, if I choose to, or destroy their brain."