Page 35 of Wolf Rebellion
Suddenly I felt it was too dangerous to be sitting so close to her. If she could manipulate or destroy someone's mind at will, she could easily kill us all. Why would Mother Moon grant someone that kind of power to wield?
Roxanne added, "Telemancy is the one power no other witch in the world has. Witches are unable to bend the minds and will of another living being. There's no spell in the world capable of it."
"Which makes you the only one," Caleb said, running a hand through his white-blond hair.
"Correct. That's why my coven feared me. There's no spell for me to cast, no incantation for me to chant. All I need is to think about what I want to do and I can make it happen. That's why my coven feared me. They thought I was too dangerous so they banished me."
Del's brow furrowed. "You never told me that."
"It's not something I felt the need to talk about." Roxanne shrugged. "Not like I cared about being exiled. I hated those old hags anyway. It's not like they could use me as a weapon for them, not when I can easily use them if I chose to."
"Remind me not to get on your bad side," Raph muttered under his breath.
I was with him; I didn't want to piss off Roxanne either. It was interesting to hear what she went through thanks to her being the Pink Moon's chosen. My mother never wanted me to know about the Wolf Moon. A part of me wondered how different my life would've been had I known from the start like Roxanne. Would Grandma had forced me to stay in Kingsrose? Would I have known Joaquin and the twins early on and chosen them? Would Pierce still have forced his way into making me choose him as my mate? His father was the previous alpha, so what would've he done if he'd known I had the gift and was fated to Pierce?
Another pang stabbed at my heart from thinking about Pierce, Joaquin, and all of Kingsrose. I'd only been there for two weeks and already I missed it. I missed Grandma and Joaquin. I hoped they were okay.
"So, you can read the mind of everyone in this diner?" Kao asked Roxanne, oblivious to my internal suffering.
Roxanne finished her cigarette, placing the bud back in its pack and stuffing it and the lighter in her pocket. She then took a bite of her burger, swallowing her mouthful of food before looking over her shoulder and pointing at a man sitting at the bar with a plate of food. "See that man over there?" All eyes were on the man in question, then back at Roxanne. "He thinks Rosie, Del and I are smoking hot, and isn't sure which of us he should give his number to. That's the PG half of what he's thinking."
On instinct, all the men at our table started growling, Del's men for her, and my twins for me. None of them were too happy about someone outside our circle thinking they had a chance with one of us.
Roxanne scoped out the diner until she found our waitress from earlier and pointed at her. "She thinks we're all strange looking, or that we're delinquents, though she does have the hots for Brokeback Mountain over there." She gestured towards the opposite side of the table where Nash was quietly chowing down on his steak and eggs. His cowboy hat resting on his lap.
Nash must've sensed he was being watched, so he looked up in confusion, a bit of steak sauce and melted cheese from his eggs stuck on his chin. "What? What did I miss?"
"Apparently our waitress wants to save a horse and ride you," Del deadpanned with an edge of malice in her tone.
I guess she was no better than the boys when they felt territorial, though I sympathized with her. If I found out our waitress wanted Kai or Kao, I'd want to gouge her eyes out for daring to look at them. They were mine. Possessive? Maybe. Did I care? Hell no.
Nash's eyes widened, then looked behind him until he spotted our waitress. When he turned back, he shrugged. "She's cute, but she ain't my type."
"She's what?" Del growled, her teeth bared and looked ready to hunt.
Caleb and Raph sat between Del and Nash, so they both slid their chairs back. "Just in case Del feels the need to throw something. I don't want to get hit for Nash," Caleb commented, and Raph agreed.
Nash, for his part, looked unphased. Out of the five men that made up Del's mates, Nash Westbrook was known to be the calm, cool, and collected type. Almost nothing could rile up his feathers. He was the type to look danger in the face and laugh. Both he and Malcolm were the Blue Moon Pack’s muscles. They were the best at helping Javier get the pack in line when needed and breakup any altercations that happened. I wasn't close with either of them back when I was part of the pack. Before Del came into the picture, Nash was the lone wolf of the pack. He never liked socializing or doing much of anything outside his duties to the pack. I wonder if Del knew why he kept to himself all this time.
Nash looked towards Del and turned on that southern charm of his. "I said she's cute, but don't fret none, darlin'. You know you're my one and only. No girl could ever compete with you."
"Smooth," Malcolm commented, not bothering to look up from his plate of food. He finished off his first BLT and was already diving into his second one.
"He means it too," Roxanne commented, leaning back in her chair and spectating the whole thing.
Wait, did that mean she read Nash's mind?
Del seemed to have lost a bit of her steam. She knew Nash would never betray her. None of the boys would. On top of already being mated, Nash and the rest of the boys were fated to Del. Spiritually, they'd never be able to feel attraction for any other woman unless she was dead. Too bad it couldn't work on human men, there'd be far less cheating then. Like my ex back in NYC.
Sensing that there wouldn't be anything thrown, Caleb and Raph scooted back to the table.
Roxanne cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "To answer Kao's question from earlier, yes, I can read everyone's mind, except for Rosie."
Now it was my turn to be stunned. "Wait, you can't read my mind?"
"Surprisingly, no. Normally I wouldn't have to think so hard to read someone's mind, but with you, it's quiet. I know you have a lot of thoughts running through your mind, but I can't hear them."
"Maybe it's part of Rosie's immunity?" Kai suggested.