Page 60 of Avoidance
“How much does this daily training cost?”
“Thirty a month, but you don’t pay until you finish your sessions.”
At least it would give me something to do in the evening, other than stare at my phone and wait for Chase to call.
“There’s one more rule,” T.J. called as I made my way down the stairs. “No alcohol for eight weeks. You need your mind and body sharp for practice.”
Clearly, Tanner had told him more than I thought. I felt embarrassed. Someone as strong as T.J. probably looked down on weak people like me. That was not the version of myself that I wanted him to see – or anyone else, for that matter.
“What did you think?” Tanner asked when we were back in his car on our way home.
“I loved it. It feels good to hit things.”
“Yes, it does. That’s something Chase will never be able to understand.”
“He doesn’t have that anger inside, like…”
“Like I do,” Tanner finished.
“Like we do,” I corrected. I shook my head as I stared out the window. “My friend, Tina, once told me that I didn’t belong with Chase. She said I was too dark for him. I can’t help feeling like he’s too good for me – like maybe he deserves to be with someone… better.”
“I think people like us will always feel that way. We know we’re a mess, and we know we’re going to make mistakes. Growing up, I always looked up to Chase. I wondered how he could be so good all the time. But I’ve learned: he needs people like us, just as much as we need people like him. We can’t drive the darkness out with more darkness, and they can’t live in the sunshine all the time. It’s not real. Life is a mixture of ups and downs. That’s why they say opposites attract. You need that counterpart – someone who can balance it out with you.”
I watched him as he spoke, his turbulent eyes focused on the road ahead. “You should say that to Charlotte.”
He looked surprised. “You think it would make a difference?”
“I think it would make all the difference.”
Chapter Eleven
Day Two
“How was your day? Are you famous yet?”
Chase chuckled, and I felt a pang in my heart. Seeing him on FaceTime was better than only hearing his voice; still, it was not as good as seeing him in person. Though he had interrupted my last few hours of sleep, I did not mind; our time was precious, and worth it, despite the early morning wakeup call.
“Not famous yet. Just exhausted. We’ve been practicing by day, and performing at night.”
“You’re a musical superhero.” I stifled a yawn.
“You should go back to sleep. You don’t have to be up for another couple of hours.”
“I’d rather stare at you.”
“I wish I was lying next to you.”
“Me, too.”
“So, what do you think of this T.J. guy? Tanner raves about him like he’s the second coming.”
“I’m really glad we got him that gym membership. He loves it.” I yawned again. “T.J. was nice, I guess. He seems really good at what he does. I like that it gives me something to do after work.”
“I just want you to be happy, and feel good.”
“Punching things definitely made me happy. Who knew?”
He grinned sleepily. “My warrior.”