Page 61 of Avoidance
“I wish I knew when I was going to see you again.”
“I’m sorry, Merritt. I feel like this whole thing is my fault. If I didn’t make you come to California, none of this would have happened.”
I sat up on my elbow. “You did not make me do anything. This not your fault. This did not happen because you made me go to California. This happened because…” I tried to find the words to explain what had happened to me while I was out there. “I have issues. I don’t know.”
He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “I just miss you.”
“Ditto, babe.” I watched his eyelids begin to close, and I knew he would be asleep momentarily. “I love you,” I said softly.
“I love you,” he whispered back.
I watched him as he drifted off, my thumb refusing to press the button to end the call. His perfectly plump lips parted, and I wished more than anything that I could kiss them goodnight. Being apart from the person I loved had shown me how much I had taken for granted; every kiss, every touch, every scent that I once had the luxury of experiencing were now moments that I yearned to have. My heart ached in ways I never knew it could. I wondered just how much of this we could endure.
“You came back,”T.J. shouted from inside the ring as I entered the gym.
“How else am I going to learn that Ninja Turtle spinny thing you did?”
He laughed. “That’s going to take some time. We’ve got a lot of hurdles to jump before we get there.”
I kicked off my socks and sneakers, and climbed the stairs. I tossed my sweatshirt onto the ground before swinging myself into the ring.
“Hair up, Curly Sue.”
I grimaced. “Everyone used to call me that when I was little.”
“Take it as a compliment. She was adorable.”
“Fighters aren’t adorable.” I swept my hair up, and held my hands out in front of him.
“Sure they are.” He slid the gloves onto my hands. “Just look at me.”
I rolled my eyes. “Arrogant, much?”
He grinned. “Says the girl who rolls her eyes constantly.”
I set my fists in front of my face when he picked up the pad, and prepared myself for the next hour.
My punches started quick and forceful. Though my arms were sore from yesterday’s session, I welcomed the burning sensation in my muscles.
“Today,” T.J. began. “I’m going to ask you questions while you punch.”
“Trying to throw me off?”
“It will help improve your concentration. It’s easy to hit when there’s no distractions around.”
“What was the scariest moment in your life?”
I froze. “That’s your opening question?”
“Did you expect me to ask you what your favorite color is?”
I continued punching. “Being trapped inside my car.”
“What was so scary about it?”