Page 92 of Two of a Kind
“Nope. We’re not going back to the ranch.”
“Ah, you took my suggestion of going to the cabin seriously,” Maisie said with a laugh. “We’re going to get funky.”
Drew’s insides tightened a little, not because the prospect of sex made her nervous but because of what she knew she would reveal when they arrived. “I want to show you something.”
“Sounds dangerous,” Maisie replied in a teasing, sultry tone. “Hopefully in a good way.”
Drew parked the truck outside of the cabin but didn’t get out right away. Instead, she reached in the back and pulled out a long, slender canister.
“What’s that?” Maisie asked. “A poster?”
“Why don’t you come inside and see for yourself?”
“You’re being very secretive.” Maisie waggled her brows. “It’s kinda hot, just so you know.”
Once they were inside the little hunting cabin, Drew pulled a sheet of paper from the tube, spreading it out on the table.
“Blue prints?” Maisie leaned over to get a closer look. “These aren’t the designs for the guest lodge.”
“That’s correct.” Drew took a deep breath. “They’re for right here.”
“Here?” Maisie looked around the small space, clearly confused.
Drew held out an arm, encompassing the area around them with a sweeping gesture. “Our home. It’s only a preliminary design, I should say, because I want to have your input.”
“You’re not thinking of demolishing your ranch house, are you?” Maisie asked in alarm. “I know I keep teasing you that it’s like walking into a bland bowl of oatmeal, but paint will do wonders.”
“We’re not tearing down anything,” Drew said. She tapped her boot on the wood floor of the cabin. “This is going to be our own place, just the two of us. Now that Lee has taken over with the sheep, Cord is moving into the ranch. Between you and me, he’s been tasked to keep an eye on my father, not that he needs it much these days. I want privacy for us and a place that’s ours. What do you think?”
Maisie tilted her head to one side. “You’re building me a house?”
“Yes, as long as you approve.”
“I’ve always wanted a place of my own, but I never thought it’d be in the cards for me.”
“For you?” Drew teased. “Do I get to stay?”
“Well, that depends,” Maisie joked in return. “If you’re on your best behavior, I suppose. I like coffee in the morning, good and hot.”
“Got it. And…?”
“I don’t want to hear any more whining about the geese on Bird Island.”
“I guess that’s fair. Those little buggers are finally earning their keep.” Drew moved closer, placing her hands on Maisie’s shoulders, kneading them. A contented sigh spurred her on.
“This is a must. Will there be a massage table somewhere in the new fancy digs?”
“If you want, but I prefer a different way of getting you to relax.”
Maisie cranked her head to make eye contact with Drew. “Not sure I’m following.”
“Given the way your pupils have tripled, I think you are, but to err on the side of caution, does this give you an idea?” Drew placed a soft kiss on the back of Maisie’s neck.
“I might need more to get the complete picture.”
Drew continued kissing Maisie’s neck, making her way around, planting a tender kiss on Maisie’s lips, soft and loving.
“Do you know what goes in your new home office?” Drew asked between kisses.