Page 93 of Two of a Kind
“A bed?”
“No way. I can’t go a night without you in our bed. But, I got one of those special frames for your diploma, the type where you can show off your tassel.”
“Oh, Drew.” Maisie turned, a hint of sadness on her face. “I wasn’t planning to go to graduation, you know. I didn’t order a cap and gown.”
“You didn’t, butIdid.” Drew took Maisie’s hands in hers. “You, Maisie Sullivan, are going to receive your diploma up on the stage with all the rest of the graduates, and every Campbell is going to be in the audience to cheer for you.”
“Really?” Maisie’s smile was all the proof Drew needed that she’d made the right choice filling out the paperwork.
“Absolutely. It’s what we do in this family. Support everyone.” Drew never could’ve said that without Maisie’s help. As much as she’d valued her family before, Drew knew she had this woman to thank for teaching her the importance of acceptance and love even when family members made choices she wouldn’t have made for them. “No matter what.”
“I love you.”
Drew’s already full heart nearly burst to hear the words, not because Maisie didn’t tell her this every day, but because every time she did, Drew knew they were true.
“I love you more,” Drew countered.
“I don’t know. You said yourself you don’t like to talk about feelings. If you’re going to make a statement like that, you better be prepared to back it up with evidence.” Maisie giggled. “You know, other than building me a house and making all my dreams come true.”
“I think I see where you’re going with this.” Drew took Maisie’s hand and led her to the bear skin rug, eyeing it wistfully. “I am going to like this place so much more when it finally has a real bed, not that terrible pull-out that’s older than we are.”
Sittingin the front row at the South Point Arena, Maisie’s eyes were glued to the horse and rider in the center. They stood motionless, the crowd silent in anticipation as the judges tallied the scores. The moment the total was announced, the audience erupted into cheers.
“What a score!” Drew jumped up and down in the stands, waving her hat as Hannah rode out of the arena.
Maisie couldn’t help but laugh. “I think you’re more excited for Hannah than I ever saw you last year at the event.” She leaned closer. “Sexier, too. How is that possible?”
“Hey now.” With her father sitting only inches away, Drew’s cheeks turned cherry red. “We’re in public.”
“It’s Vegas,” Maisie reminded her. “It takes a lot more to cause a scandal than a woman showing a little bit of healthy appreciation for her wife.”
“Healthy appreciation, huh? I might have to keep that in mind for later.” Drew settled back into her seat, but no more than a few seconds later, she was on her feet like they had springs on them. “Let’s go find Hannah.”
The crowds were light leaving the arena, as there were still several riders left to compete. Maisie wasn’t surprised Drew wanted to go, though. She’d learned that especially when Drew’s nerves were on edge, she preferred action to sitting around. It was hard to imagine that only a year ago, this woman had been a stranger. Now, Maisie knew her almost as well as she knew herself.
As they approached Hannah’s stall, Maisie spotted a man in jeans, black blazer, boots, and a hat approaching. He looked like he’d stepped straight out of an episode ofDallas.
“Who’s that?” Maisie whispered, her eyes widening as the man caught sight of Drew and changed course mid stride. Wealth and privilege radiated off this man, making Maisie wonder how her wife could possibly be acquainted with him.
Instead of answering Maisie’s question, Drew held up a hand in greeting. “Emmett Walker. I should’ve guessed I’d see you here.”
“Drew.” He smiled broadly, touching his hand to the brim of his hat.
Drew’s eyes flickered to Maisie. “Have you met my wife, Maisie?”
“Ma’am.” Emmett removed his hat this time in an extra show of chivalry before turning back to Drew. “I was hoping to run into you here, but I didn’t see your name on the list of competitors.”
“Sadly, my competition days are done, at least for a while. With my increased responsibilities back home on the ranch, I haven’t been able to train properly.”
Maisie smiled politely and kept quiet as the two spoke, even though she knew what Drew had said wasn’t really accurate. She worked with the horses every day, and now that Maisie was familiar with the duties a cow horse was expected to carry out in the real world, it was pretty clear the Lazy C had some of the best trained horses around. As cocky as Drew could be when she felt like it, sometimes she didn’t toot her own horn enough.
“Well, that’s a shame,” Emmett replied. “I’ll admit I was still holding out hope to get you to come work for me.”
“If you’re still looking for talent, let me introduce you to my baby sister. She’s way better than I am.”
Suddenly, Maisie caught on to the reason for Drew’s modesty. It was another of her wife’s qualities Maisie had come to recognize and love, the way she was happy to step out of the spotlight to build someone else up.