Page 10 of Her Elemental Mates
“Let’s go eat. I’m famished!” I say cheerfully as I loop my arm with Ari’s, and we skip to breakfast. I’d love to say it broke my heart over the way my father acted, but that would be a lie. Saying that today’s events hurt me would also be a lie. It’s been a long time coming and I finally have a reason to take a stand.
Breakfast is a semi-somber event, with no one wanting to acknowledge what occurred with my father’s mini meltdown. Ryker and I have known for years that eventually one or both of us would have to dethrone father. For some reason, he stopped caring about the pack and seemed lost and distant. King Coro delivers word that my brother is healing well but will be considered physically unfit to sit upon the throne.
Freezing in my movements, I almost forget to breathe for several minutes, digesting the information. My mother bursts into tears and I’m in a state of shock. I turn my head to look at Kaedyn, and he’s staring at me just as hard as I am staring at him. I’m almost in a state of panic as I stare at my mate. The gears are turning in my head a mile a minute, trying to figure out what my best course of action will be. I could see the state of panic that my mate was in since he was next to ascend the throne here with the Air Pack.
My only other solution for this debacle is to see if his brother will step up and take his place. The ruling faction has always ruled the five kingdoms from the castle of my birth. It has been in the shadow and Spirit Wolves’ possession for the last nine generations. With my father more than likely being dethroned this week because of his actions, and my brother unfit to rule, it means I must ascend. I try to steel myself against the conversation I must have now as I slowly turn my eyes to face my mate’s brother.
“Amun?” I whisper his brother’s name as I turn fully to face him.
“Bella, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong?” Amun says, as he looks between his brother and me.
“How do you feel about ascending the Air Throne?” My voice quivers as the words fall from my lips.
“That’s Kaedyn’s mantle, not mine,” Amun says confidently.
“Son, Belladonna is next in line for the Shadow Throne, and since her brother is physically unfit to rule. I am certain they will dispose later this week. Leaving only Belladonna to rule.” King Coro beams at me. Pride and joy radiate from him when he refers to me. It’s something I’m not used to.
Part of me feels special, watching the way King Coro looks at me and makes me feel special for once in my life. I watch Amun take in all that his father has said to him, processing the information. Between the two brothers, Amun is not the one you would expect to be put in charge of a great nation. He’s very responsible and resourceful, but he’s not a military man like Kaedyn is. “That doesn’t leave me with much of a choice, father since your heir must ascend the throne with his mate,” he says, much calmer than I expected him to.
“Does this mean that you’ll do it, son?” King Coro asks as he steeples his fingers in front of him.
“Of course, I will. For once I get to save the day and not big brother!” Amun says, laughing and sits there trying to look smug. Leave it to Amun to bring light to a stressful situation.
Breakfast concludeson a much higher note than I had originally expected. Apparently, my brother is in a much worse state than I originally knew about. My father, being the dastardly bastard that he is, is most likely about to lose his title.
I get to wait now for the males’ portion of the trials to conclude. My future in-laws, brother-in-law, and my mother head out to stand on the back balcony. I look oddly at my brother-in-law almost questioning him why he’s up there with us.
Smirking, he motions to the ongoing trial. “My bride was already chosen for me, and I’ve accepted her, so I don’t need to take part in these shenanigans.”
I raise an eyebrow, looking at him skeptically. “So, you mean to tell me prince picky pants has allowed a random female to be chosen for him?” I smile, trying to look sweet even though the whole idea of him having a random female as a mate sours my stomach.
“Don’t give me that look, Bella,” Amun says with a smile as he reaches out and caresses my cheek with his gloved hand. “She’s a beautiful woman and very intelligent… We both love our music and to perform. I met her at last year’s concert. You could almost say it was love at first sight.” He smiles as his hand slides down my cheek to my neck and then rests on my shoulder. “We may not be true mates, but at least there was love first before predestined bond.” He smiles as he looks out over the field as the other males compete in various feats of strength.
Amun laughs as he motions to his brother, throwing the javelin further than the rest of the males in the field. “I can tell you honestly, if he didn’t know you were his mate, he would not be putting out half the effort that he is right now. He wants to prove to you he will be a strong provider and worthy of you.”
I smile softly, listening to Amun telling me what his big brother is doing. I know a lot of the guys are all about showing off their muscles, strength, or the size of their castles. Kaedyn hasn’t tried any of that. The only thing Kaedyn is guilty of is trying to be supportive of me and look out for my best interest.
Queen Lani comes to my side and wraps an arm around me, hugging me tightly. “Everything will work out baby girl, don’t you worry.” Gently she presses her lips to my temple and then rests her head on my shoulder, watching her son compete in the games.
Most of the males present have no clue that I’ve already chosen. But as per protocol, I must meet each one of them at the conclusion of the games and allow them to touch my hand. Knowing what Kaedyn is to me, we’ve already decided as a family for him to go last. It may cause issues with the noble houses if he were to go first and discourage the others from even trying. It also would look bad since they are the host house for this event.
We already advised King Coro that we would go to the Fire Pack next. Logically, it would be our best bet to go there then to earth and save water for last. So that way, there will be two other mates to help me wrangle the fire and water packs. I’m already getting a headache thinking about the potential problems those two are going to cause.
I must have been so terribly lost in my thoughts that I didn’t realize how late it was already getting. The guys are lining up, getting ready to tear off into the woods to bring back their wild game for this evening to show off who’s the better hunter. Queen Lani reminds Ari and me that we must move to the lower deck to wave them off.
We descend the stairs side by side, holding hands. To be honest, both of us can’t wait for this ball to be over with. I already know who my mate is, but Ari has yet to find hers. Ari’s potential mate might be threatened by my presence or the fact of who her brothers are. You never know what goes on in a man’s head, and sometimes I don’t even think they do.
We reach the lower balcony and the games master hands me the starter pistol. I flip it in my hand several times before cocking the hammer back. I extend my arm up and high over my head before pulling the trigger, firing the shot that sends all the males scrambling.
The only one that doesn’t run off wildly is Kaedyn. He stands there staring at me for a moment as if seeking the answers to the universe from me. I give him a smile and motion in the direction that no one else had gone in. His wolf bows to me, then takes off running into the dense forest.
“Princess?” a deep gravely tone calls to me and I turn slowly to face it.
“Yes?” I look the male over and his flaming red hair gives away that he is from the Fire Pack.