Page 9 of Her Elemental Mates
“We didn’t know who our parents were till we were almost ten years old. It was then they finally became interested.” Shaking my head, I laugh again. “The short version, our element affinities, started making themselves known. And since brother dearest is the male heir, boom, he became the star in the family.” My laugh gains that haunted tone to it.
“They sentenced me to working the central graveyard because I gave Father nightmares for a week straight because of how much he rejected me.” I shake my head, then lean back to watch Kaedyn’s reaction to everything I just told him.
“I’m sorry you endured that, Bella; we had no clue what was happening.” Kaedyn’s stress radiates from him and prompts me to get out of the chair and walk over to him.
Carefully, I make sure his sweatshirt still covers every inch of my flesh before I wrap my arms around him. “It’s not your fault. It’s my father’s. He’s the reason I never wanted to take a mate. I was afraid I’d end up with a male like my father.” I squeeze Kaedyn tighter, hoping against all hope that he understands where I’m coming from.
Kaedyn tightens his arms around my waist as he holds onto me for dear life. “I will never treat you like anything less than my equal. I swear it on my life.” As he speaks his oath, he looks down into my eyes, his own eyes flair to life and glows the brilliant blue of his wolf. I know his wolf will not allow him to ever mistreat me now that the oath has been spoken.
“I choose to trust you, Kaedyn. For now, I must return to my room and prepare for today.” I smile at him as I back away, reluctantly breaking the hug I crave to stay in.
“I cannot wait to see what prize you bring back for me today.” Raising my left hand to my lips, I blow a kiss to him just before stepping back, disappearing into the shadows. Next stop, Ari’s room and then breakfast. It’s time I take my life back.
The only shadows in Ari’s room are the ones in her closet, so that’s where I decide to manifest. Just as my form solidifies, she opens the door and screams bloody murder, not expecting to find me standing there. I can’t help but break into hysterical laughter, looking at the horrified expression on her face. “Ari, it’s okay. It’s just me,” I tell her, smiling as I exit the closet to hug her.
Just as I get my arms around her, her brothers Amun and Kaedyn break into the room, followed by both fathers. “Ari!” Amun shouts, then stops dead in his tracks seeing it’s me.
“Boo!” I say to him and smirk, tilting my head to the side.
“Boo back!” Kaedyn says. I guess he’s watched one of my favorite vampire movies.
“Young lady, you scared the hell out of half the nation last night!” My father Grimshaw screams at the top of his lungs.
Ari quivers, and her legs almost buckle from the alpha power my father put behind his tone. My wolf’s rumble vibrates deep in my chest as fur randomly sprouts over my arms. Quickly, I remove Kaedyn’s sweatshirt so that everyone can see the state I am in. “How dare you!”
I push my dominance with every syllable, watching my father’s confidence waver with every word. Gently, I place Ari behind me and stalk forward toward my father. “You know why our people fear me, father?” I say as I move forward, stalking closer to him. The plants on the dresser next to me wither and die, then turn to ash before everyone’s eyes.
“Now you see here, young lady!” Father says as he backs up further. Self-preservation kicks in and he shoves Kaedyn in front of him, proving he is a coward.
Smirking, I rest my bare hand on Kaedyn’s neck, then gently move him out of the way. I just blatantly broke protocol. It enrages my wolf, sensing who Kaedyn is to us that our father would place him in mortal danger. A feral grin crosses my lips as I bare my descended canines at my father. “Go home before I take the mantle of alpha and king from you.” I have father backed into the hallway when mother comes running toward us.
“Grim, what have you done?” My fathomless glowing green orbs lock on my mother.
“Mother dearest…” I motion to my father. “Chicken Little here tried using my mate as a shield,” I growl out, sounding more wolf than human.
“You didn’t! You know that’s against the accords! How dare you use another heir to protect yourself!” Mother yells at him and slaps him several times.
In a single motion, Father backhands Mother, and King Coro and Amun grab ahold of my father, restraining him. Rage ignites deep within me, unbridled, and for the first time in my life I am not afraid of what I am. “Death would be too good for you, Grimshaw,” I say coldly to my father. “To strike a female goes against the most ancient of laws. You will be tried and convicted. This I swear on the blood of my ancestors.”
I turn and assess my mother, then look back to King Coro. “Let’s summon the other kings and see what they say about father’s indiscretions.”
Queen Lani catches up and hears the tail end of everything. Sadness mars her normally cheerful visage. Her bright eyes shadowed by pain and edged in tears. Her bottom lip quivers as she looks between me and my parents. “Are you okay Bella?” Her voice quivers as she slowly approaches me.
Hesitantly, she wraps me up in a warm, loving hug and rests her head on my shoulder. “I’ll live. I’m just sorry I didn’t stand up for myself sooner.” Pressing my lips to Lani’s temple, I close my eyes, trying to quell the storm raging within me. “Oh, I do have one thing to admit.” I raise a single eyebrow and look down at her, smiling.
“There’s nothing you could do that would ever upset me, sweetheart,” Lani says as she smiles, looking up at me.
I laugh and look back over at Kaedyn, then back down at his mom. “I touched your son’s neck as I moved him behind me to protect him.” I visibly wince, looking at the little sprite before me.
Several emotions flitter over her face before she smacks me on my bottom. “Understandable, but no more touching til after the hunt and the ceremony tonight!” A soft, non-threating growl escapes her lips just before she bounces up and kisses my cheek. “Thank you for protecting my son. You’re a good mate.” Lani moves from me to Kaedyn and looks him over, making sure my father didn’t harm him.
I lean against the wall, watching King Coro hand my father off to the guards. My father is fighting, kicking and screaming all the way down the hallway. Thankfully, it’s mother that has the more deadly powers and not him. Sliding down the wall, I sit on the floor, taking it all in. I stood against my father and not only defended myself, I defended my mate. I feel like I took back a little bit of my dignity that has been stolen from me.
Ari comes to sit beside me in silence as we watch my father’s retreating back being dragged down the hallway. My mother looks absolutely destroyed looking between me and my father. She knows I’m strong enough to take the throne from him. She also knows that my brother may have the physical strength to rule, but he lacks the backbone to do it. Depending on what the council does with my father, I may ascend the Shadow Throne.
Kaedyn calls my name several times before he manages to pull me out of my thoughts. “Mom says it’s time to have breakfast. We want to make sure you eat well,” Kaedyn says. I know the last part may not be from his mother. He’s being a good, concerned mate that wants nothing more than to take care of me. Nodding, I offer him my hands to help me stand up.
“Bella! Good try sweetheart, I’m watching you two!” Queen Lani says with a teasing smile, and I can’t help but laugh. Amun comes to stand before me with his gloves on and offers me his hands. Firmly, I grip his hands and allow him to help me. Laughing, I get yanked to my feet. The sudden pull caught me off guard and I can’t help but laugh over it.