Page 56 of Her Elemental Mates
“Picture the end of the day. The sun has almost completely set, the sky is bathed in the colors of what’s left of the sun. There are tones of brilliant burnt orange or red depending on how hot of a day it was. The colors bleed out from there. Shades of burnt umber, pinks, purples, blues all fading to that dark blue that’s almost as black as midnight.” Her voice is soft and comforting as she describes the colors passionately.
In my mind’s eye, I can see exactly what she’s talking about. The changing of the colors as the sun slowly sets behind the mountains is definitely something like that guy from the seventies and eighties, with the big fro used to paint with all of his happy little trees. I remember my mother telling me about that artist and this is something he would paint with how she described it.
“I get what you mean Bella, it is an exquisite time of day. My favorite is when the sun rises in the sky. It burns to life as you watch whatever color the sun is that morning rise up over the hilltop and the rays of the sun slowly shoot out and streak across the blue, chasing the night away.” I feel every muscle that moves in her face against my shoulder, and I know just by the movements that she’s smiling and that makes me happy.
“Why is it so easy with you?” Bella’s tone is more curious than anything else.
“Well, if you remember what they taught to us in school about mates. There are compatible mates like the one that you almost took in the Water Kingdom.” I give her a gentle hug as I feel her body shudder at the mention of it. “A compatible mate is good and all. It’s more than just a companion, so your wolf doesn’t lose its mind. Then there’s a fated mate, the one created perfect just for you. They make you better than you were before.” I hesitate for a few moments before continuing.
“And then there’s something called a perfect or true mate. Which is what we are. According to scriptures and ancient tomes, a true and perfect mate it basically the other half of you. They are the male or female version of yourself.” I take several moments, letting her process what I just said to her. I remember reading something about that in the book that father had given me.
“Perfect mates don’t always happen,” she says with such finality, but I’m curious why.
Rising onto my elbow, I looked down at her as I roll her onto her back. When she opens her eyes, they are pure glowing emerald orbs with no hint of humanity left in them. I can see that her wolf is in the driver’s seat, and I guess I’ve held off far too long for her wolf’s comfort.
“In no way, shape or form am I denying you Bella.” A deep guttural growl escapes her and her upper lip curls showing her canines have descended.
I feel as though I’m being stalked. The hairs raise up on the back of my neck as my wolf attempts to get defensive. He wants to assert his dominance over the she-wolf, but I won’t let him. Trying to reason with him right now is going to be difficult. The shadows cast over the room come to life and knock me back against the pelts hard. Several times I attempt to get up before ending up flat on my back, staring at the ceiling. Bella stalks forward, her feet not making a single sound on the ground. She drops onto all fours to crawl toward me on her hands and knees; her head lowering slightly, nipping at the flesh below her. I can feel my member come to life and pulse with every beat of my heart.
The deep rumble of her beast seems pleased as she looks over what’s before her. Her long pink tongue sneaks out from between her lips and licks my length from root to tip, my muscle strains from the agonizingly slow but sweet torture. She licks me like I would imagine her licking an ice cream cone, taunting somebody with the sweet treat that she has. Every time her tongue makes contact; there’s a jolt straight to my balls, making them tighten rhythmically with the impending orgasm she’s slowly drawing out of me. I watch her open her mouth wide, anticipating her drawing me into its warm welcoming depths. But I’m wrong. She sinks her teeth deep into my upper thigh, marking me again as hers. She nuzzles the opposite thigh; then repeats the process, sinking her teeth deep into my muscles. My wolf wants to protest. He’s fighting for control and wants me to let him loose.
Pausing for a moment to study my inner battle, she then quickly picks her head up and growls deeply. The glow from her eyes illuminates the room, casting it in shades of green. It’s now that my wolf sits back and takes notice. I don’t think he realized the true power behind our female. He settles down and the moment he does; she relaxes again, slowly climbing herself up the rest of my body. Her slick folds glide effortlessly over my member, teasing me with the taste of Heaven. She tilts her head several times, studying me, still not giving me a glimpse of the woman behind the wolf. I know she’s in there, but her wolf is impatient and hungry for the connection. Without warning, she presses her body hard against mine; down and then back, ramming my length home, seating herself as deeply as possible. The sudden intrusion makes both of us gasp. I wasn’t expecting it, and she didn’t expect exactly how big I was.
During the distraction; I grip her hips tightly and then flip us over, placing her on her back. My hands encompass hers, holding them both over her head with one hand. “Now my love, someone’s been naughty,” I say as I tighten my grip on her wrists. She growls again, baring her teeth at me. Changing the angle I’m at, my thrusts change, rocking her body, pressing her deeper into the furs.
She settles down almost immediately and when she blinks her eyes, I can finally see my woman once again. A pleased smile graces her lips as she arches her neck back. I can only imagine she’s feeling the bond strengthening between us as I slowly move my hips, short slow thrusts edging both of us. Featherlight pulses massage my length and I know she’s been fighting to hold herself back. My next thrust, she squirms under me and tries to fight my grip on her wrists. “Please, baby.”
The words panted out reverently in an almost whine as she begs for release sounds like music to my ears. “Please what?”
I know exactly what she wants. I have no intention of giving it to her yet. The harder she tries to fight me, the more weight I press down on her and slow down my movements even more. “Baby, please let me come…” Her quivering voice is strained as she tries to move and rock against me.
She is so used to getting her way, but this is a nice reality check for her. Without warning, my weight lightens on her body. I pound into her hard and fast; chasing my release, barely giving her a chance to breathe. Several thrusts later; she screams, and her greedy core tightens almost crushing down around my length. I can feel her deep in my soul as my knot engorges, ready to be locked in place. This has only happened one other time in my life and that was by myself during a dream I had of this woman below me. When I feel my knot’s fully engorged, I thrust forward as hard as I can. Her muscles welcome me home and locking me in tightly, every pulse of her orgasm crushes my knot. The pressure of her muscles on my knot pushes me past my limit, sending me over the edge as I scream my release.
We renew our mating bites, and it feels like absolute bliss. I feel her in every fiber of my body. Ghosts of her other mate’s trickle and I understand the power of the bond. I literally feel her and her wolf. She is now part of me. Everything is perfect. The part I never realized was missing until this very moment. They always say that homes are the location that you search your life for. For me, home is a person and my perfect mate.
There’sa song that mentions the day the music dies in it and those lyrics echo over and over in my mind. I’m knocked to my knees the moment I feel their bond snap into place this morning. I bend over as I feel the power shift in the bond, my hand slapping the marble floor in front of me as I try to catch my breath. “The power has shifted.” Being the second mate, I know what this means. Even though Kaedyn was the first mate she had taken, her perfect mate trumps any of the fated mates she’s taken before him. I make it back to my chair and ponder how things may change.
There’s not a thing in this world that we can do about it now. Yes, he’s stronger in all the ways that matter. He has size and strength that even I can’t match. I can only wonder what it’s going to do to Kaedyn and his delicate sensibilities. I know that he and Sebastian spent the night together having a tryst of their own. While I sit here waiting patiently for our girl to return. I feel as if everything has changed. Only time will tell if it’s going to be for the better or not. Sitting at the dining room table in our room; I sip at my coffee, staring down at it more than I’m drinking it.
Kaedyn and Sebastian come back, and Kaedyn looks like they put him through the wringer. “It’s done, isn’t it?” This question doesn’t even need an answer. The look in his eyes tells me he already knows.
“The power shift happened; her perfect mate outranks all of us.” I look back down at the cup in front of me, realizing it I can see its bottom clearly.
“What does this mean for us?” Sebastian tilts his head to the side and then snuggles up next to Kaedyn.
“It doesn’t mean anything; everything remains the same. After today, we head back to the Shadow Court. The other kings will join us, then we officially crown Bella Queen of the Shadow Court.” Saying the words out loud makes them tangible. “Before now, it was a possibility. The event this morning has made it a reality.
“There hasn’t been a Spirit Wolf on that throne in over five hundred years,” Kaedyn says.
Shrugging my shoulders, I get up go refill my coffee cup. “We better start packing. I have a feeling we’re gonna be leaving sooner rather than later.”
I watch Sebastian and Kaedyn carefully. Kaedyn’s body language screams that he’s tense and unsure of what’s happening. Sebastian was confused unknowing what direction he should go in. Not being a royal himself, he has no idea what the implications of Bella taking Egon as a mate has done for our group. Leaving the dining area was easy. Walking into our separate rooms was probably the most difficult step this morning. I stare at the room that I have used for the last seventy-two hours and just like every room before; it does not feel like home.
Everything is so sterile and bland. I know that each stop that we make the place that we stay is just a temporary reprieve from being on the road. I quickly pack up my items that were salvaged from the car. I’m ready to leave at a moment’s notice because, knowing how impetuous Bella can be, I highly doubt we’re going to remain here much longer. I jump in the shower and clean myself up quickly, making sure that I’m not the one that’s gonna hold her up when she’s ready to go. Takes me all of fifteen minutes to be packed and have my things in our sitting room.