Page 57 of Her Elemental Mates
Kaedyn and Sebastian join me shortly thereafter and we sit around playing a round of poker as we wait. One of the gracious ladies from the kitchen brings us additional coffee and breakfast pastries. My stomach is in knots and that uncomfortable quiver in my stomach tells me that we may walk into hell.
“Hollis, I don’t like that look on your face.” Kaedyn’s voice breaks me out of my internal monologue.
I glance up, looking over at him, trying to parse the information that’s rolling around in my thoughts. “I have a feeling that the Shadow Court will not be safe. My gut is telling me we’re in for a battle.” Mentioning the battle, both Kaedyn and Sebastian stiffen.
“Our wolves are no match for most of the species out there.” Sebastian’s tone is extremely wary and concerned.
“I know,” I say before looking down at the poor cinnamon roll that I’ve been picking at for the last ten minutes.
“What are we gonna do?” Kaedyn fires at me.
Before I have a chance to answer him, the door opens, and Bella is standing there with Egon at her back, his hands resting on her hips. “I’ve already made calls to the other three kingdoms. Hollis, your dad and Kaedyn’s dad are more than ready to march. Unfortunately, the Water Kingdom is sitting this one out.” The smirk that is playing on her crimson lips tells me she knows more than what she’s alluding to.
“My father is sending our best warriors with us. We will not be out-manned or outgunned in this battle.” Egon’s tone holds the authority of an emperor.
The hair along my arms in the back of my neck stands on end hearing him. I guess this is what it means when a true king finally assumes the mantle. The power behind his voice matches Bella’s when she takes control of a situation. In the back of my mind, I wonder if she had done as Flint had wanted and came here first, would the rest of us have even been an option. I turn away from the new power couple, trying not to let the dark thought take control. As I turn to walk away, lithe hands grip my wrist and make me turn.
Bella’s ghost gray eyes gaze up at me as if looking deep into my soul. For once, her human color is showing with a slight illumination to its depth. “I understand why you’re uneasy.”
Her hand moves from my wrist and reaches up to cup my cheek. “Change can be difficult.”
Her eyes search my features for several seconds until she sees what she’s looking for. “You are just as much of a king as Egon is. You are the ruling faction in this family for the Earth Kingdom. Just as Kaedyn and Sebastian are for their given element.” Sebastian perks up and looks questioningly over at us.
Bella turns quickly and closes the distance between the two of them. “You may not have been born a royal; but by being my mate, you are one now.” A soft giggle escapes her lips.
“You outrank Mateo.” Her smile is as radiant as ever and bolsters Sebastian’s self-confidence. He gives her a terse nod, then bends down and gently kisses her lips.
She glides over to Kaedyn and rests her hand on his cheek, staring up at him. “You outrank your father now. Once your father and Hollis’s father alongside Flint crown me Queen of the Shadow Court, you basically outrank everyone except me.” She turns to look at all of us, each in turn just as Flint enters the room.
“My queen, whenever you’re ready, my troops are prepared to march.” With a smile that sends a chill down my spine, Bella extends a hand out and a black rift opens in the middle of the room. Shocked, we stare at it not knowing where it leads to. Egon closes the distance between himself and her and then chucks two bags through the hole.
“Where does this go to?” Cautiously, I examine the darkness beyond the rift.
Bella motions to the rift in that same chilling smile crosses her lips. “That’s easy. The catacombs under the graveyard in which they sentenced me to. The five of us will go kingdom to kingdom using the shadows to gather the troops and send them to the catacombs. Only the kings themselves are privy to know where everybody is ending up. I have a feeling that the dark Fae have already invaded the Shadow Court because I have not received word from any of my contacts inside in a very long time. I fear everyone I once knew is already dead.” A stone-cold look crosses over her once soft and beautiful features.
She glances to Flint, and he simply nods and leaves the room. Closing the rift, she storms out of the room, leaving the three of us behind to ponder exactly what had just happened.
The rest of the morning is a blur with the flurry of activity within the castle. Troops are being gathered, as well as weaponry. Bella standing like a Brigadier General between Flint and Egon directing the troops and the activity within the castle. It appears we are playing a modified game of chess. For every possibility, she has an additional back up answer ready and waiting. I didn’t realize that my mate was such a military genius to the fact that she is literally working side by side with Flint and Egon plotting how this attack is about to go.
For our own safety, Bella has made arrangements for Kaedyn and Sebastian to gain additional training in sword and warfare. I watch them as they discuss different attack options. Surprising to me, about midday Kaedyn’s father and my father arrive with contingents of troops. Several hundred wolves are in the great hall of the castle.
Bella and Egon move as one, heading toward the front of the room. My father, as well as Kaedyn’s father, motion for us to follow. The three kings and the three princes and Sebastian all flank Bella, waiting to see what happens. Before the empowered speech that I know Bella planned, Flint and Idris hold an impromptu ceremony officially crowning her the Queen of the Shadow Court. Cheers erupt around the hall, and it doesn’t go unnoticed that Mateo has not made an appearance. They postponed plans for an actual ceremony and celebration until we retake the Shadow Court.
Bella stares across the room, looking at all the soldiers gathered. She raises her hand to silence the room, and we do so without question. Bella glances at Egon for a moment and he motions for her to begin. “Thank you to all the noble warriors that have joined us today. This is the dawning of a new era, and I am most proud to say that we build it on a foundation of equality for all species of wolves alive.” Cheers erupt around the room; Bella raises her hand again and the ruckus settles. “We are about to embark on a journey that not all of us may return from.” I watch her gaze around the room before continuing.
“Some of us will die leaving behind loved ones. As much as that is a sadness, it’s also an honor. To die in the service of your country is one of the greatest things you can do.” Murmurs fill the hall as the warriors agree with what she says.
“I don’t know about you, but I would rather die a free wolf than one that is enslaved.” She looks across at all of us up front with her, then back over to everyone gathered.
“We will do all that we can to make sure that our time in this world is well spent. And for me, that is bringing about equality between all the elements.” Her tone is probably the most confident I have ever heard from her. As we stand here, others gather, and it’s probably the greatest thing I have ever witnessed. As we move forward, Bella’s tone is haunting. “I would like to invite everyone to take part in a dawning of a new era. In that new era, we will not only vote for what’s best for the kingdom; but council members will help decide what is best for everyone. Feast with me tonight, eat, drink and be merry. Do yourself a favor and make sure that you have consumed your fill. For tonight we go to war.”
I finish deliveringmy pre-battle speech and cheers fill the hall. I kiss each of my mates softly on their lips before heading out to walk among my people. Pats on the back and gentle hugs are given. I can say this is one of the few times in my life I feel 100 percent accepted by everyone. It’s amazing when you’re able to feel you belong somewhere. Out of all the kingdoms, so far Egon’s has been the most welcoming and hospitable.
I just wish Flint wasn’t so eager to get me here and didn’t present himself so poorly in the beginning. I know Hollis has mentioned it several times that he was concerned that if I had gone to the Fire Kingdom first, I wouldn’t have bothered with the other three.Being perfectly honest with myself and feeling the strength of the bond between Egon and me, I probably wouldn’t have. His fears and thoughts are valid. Having a perfect mate, my other half of my coin, is an incredible feeling. I feel as though a part of me I didn’t realize was missing has been returned to me. It’s like I was blind all this time and now I can see. The colors are more brilliant, the feelings more intense, and just my general sense of wellbeing and self-worth has multiplied tenfold. I love my other mates with all that I am, but this is a completely new and different feeling. Egon moves up alongside me to wrap his large arm around my body, pulling me flushed to his side.