Page 60 of Her Elemental Mates
Without hesitation, Bella squashes that fear, especially with having Egon by her side. Bella is the sun and Egon revolves around her as if he is the earth caught in her gravitational pull. The rest of us are the same way with her, but not to the extent that he is. It’s as if he has a sixth sense for her needs and thoughts, stronger than the rest of us do. It’s mildly concerning, but in another sense, it’s almost a blessing. I never have to worry that if something should happen to me during these battles that at least I know she will be well taken care of.
Breathing a deep sigh of relief, I attempt to squash the dark thoughts that are crossing my mind. Furrowing a brow, Bella stares at me and then closes the distance between us. “What is on your mind?” Apparently, I am not good at hiding my feelings. Glancing down for a moment before I make eye contact again, drawing in a deep breath, I finally decided to tell her everything.
“I am afraid I am not worthy of you.” It’s obvious that my words shock her. She glances at the others quickly as they gather around us and then back at me.
“Whatever would give you that idea?” On a rough exhale, I reach out and take hold of both of her hands and look her in the eyes.
“Being a water element with no water is as pointless in battle as fire in the middle of an ocean.” Egon nods in agreement with my statement. Soft laughter escapes Bella’s lips before she leans in and kisses my cheek lightly.
“Silly boy, you’re surrounded by water. Most of our bodies are made of water.” Her statement catches me off guard.
The simple little piece of biology that I had forgotten about gives me an edge over everyone else. My heart rate speeds up, pounding in my chest at the thought. I can literally control the blood in someone’s body. It amazes the hell out of me how I didn’t know or didn’t remember that I could do this. The most wicked grin crosses my lips, thinking about all the havoc that I can wreak going forward.
The broadest smile crosses Bella’s lips as she looks at me. “Now that’s what I was waiting for.” Simple words from my beloved make me feel like I can take on a mountain. The guys must have noticed a change in my demeanor because Hollis and Egon both begin clapping excitedly for what’s to come.
My poor sweetSebastian had no idea what he could do; his innocence amazes me. I am so happy that he is such a gentle soul. I take a bit to realize that not everyone can be cold when they have to be. I’ve bolstered the drive of my army several times today and it’s honestly not that difficult, but I worry about what’s coming. I can feel the moment the moon has set, and the sun has started to rise. The shift within the castle is almost immediate, and I alert my troops that it’s time to move. The guys gather quickly as we get ready to go forth into the main part of the castle to take on whatever is lurking there.
It doesn’t shock me when I open the door and see that there’s at least a dozen Fae walking around. A quick whistle escapes my lips and they freeze, shocked that I’m there. I honestly can’t help but laughed at this point. They have no clue who they’ve been messing with and they’ve yet to see all that I am capable of. Staring out at the others, I give them a quick nod and then move forward, taking point in the hallway. I can’t help but laugh when the Fae looks at me puzzled.
“Why are you here?” The one with the blondest hair asks.
Smirking, I almost start laughing. “I can ask you the same question. What are you doing here?” Placing my hands on my hips, I stare now at the Fae. “Last time I checked, I am the queen of this castle and you do not belong here.” Glancing around rapidly, he stares at his companions and then back at me.
“I don’t know what you think you are doing, but you do not belong here.” Confidently, the words roll off his tongue.
“Really now? And why don’t I belong here?” Tilting my head, I wait for an answer.
“This is our castle, and you do not belong here.” My mates slowly flank me, and I can’t help but to continue laughing, thinking about exactly what’s going on.
“Oh, I see. This used to be your castle,” I say slowly so as not to let them miss anything that I have to say. “The problem is, it hasn’t been in your people’s possession for many, many years.”
I’m pretty sure my statement has angered them more than it needs to. The guard sounds the alarm and in an instant; they fill the hall with Fae warriors. I try not to laugh, but I honestly can’t help myself. “I’d rather do this the easy way if at all possible, but I really don’t think you guys want that.” They look at me as if I’m half mad. Then again, my father wasn’t exactly sane.
“What exactly can we do to make this work out for everyone?” I’m trying not to be difficult, but I have a feeling that this will not work out well for anyone involved.
The minute the first Fae even attempts to move a muscle, I manifest a ball of fire in my hand. He stares at me in disbelief, and I smile pushing my free hand forward; a powerful blast of wind knocks him off his feet and sends him tumbling down the hallway. Staring at his partner; I can’t help but smirk, trying to egg him on to get him to do something.
“I can do this all day, boys. I still have three other elements at my disposal.” The words growl low and deep in my throat as I challenge him to do something..
Before being sent to search for my mates, I never would have challenged anybody to this level. But now with everyone that I love standing behind me, my people are hoping beyond hope I can solve our current dilemma. I have to stand tall and take on all the challenges that are laid before me. As I attempted to explain the magnitude of the water element to Sebastian earlier and what more his power can do, I decide to give him a demonstration. Extinguishing the fireball in my hand, I focus my will on the warrior standing before me.
“Remember what I said earlier, Sebastian? How your element can easily manipulate the blood in a living being?” As I enunciate each word, I watch as recognition and fear floods the warrior’s visage.
Slowly closing my hand and making a fist, I constrict every ounce of blood within his body. I focus on every single drop that moves through his vessels, bending it to my will to stop it from flowing in his veins. He panics and scream for backup. When the other warriors come charging forward, I raise a veil a fire stopping them in their tracks.
“This is my house! And you are unwelcome!” My voice echoes through the hall, almost to the point of causing some stones to shake loose. It’s now that I realize that I’m also using Hollis is earth magic at the same time.
“You can lower the fire, my queen. I wish to discuss this as civilized beings.” A very regal tone floats musically over the crackle of the flames.
Lowering the wall of fire, I finally drop the warrior whose veins I’ve destroyed. Blood seeps out of his nostrils, his tear ducts, his ears and any other open orifice that his body has. Blood pools around his corpse. Glancing further down the hallway, the King of the Fae stands tall and proud with his almost white hair and a crown made of cedar roots. He’s tall and slender with robes that seem to float of their own volition. His steps are silent as he moves down the hallway toward me. My muscles tense as he gets closer.
So far, I have not had a single pleasant experience with someone of his kind and I don’t foresee it changing anytime soon. He bows gracefully before me with a sweep of his arm before he stands back up in that same tall and proud manner. I curtsy slightly, as per protocol.
“You wished to speak with me?” I decide to control the conversation.