Page 61 of Her Elemental Mates
“That I did, young queen.” Motioning to the door to our right, the door that leads to what was once my father’s office.
Egon moves forward and opens the door for me; stepping into the office first, making sure that everything is safe. Once he’s sure it’s okay for me to enter, he gives me a nod of his head and motions for me to proceed. Moving swiftly into my father’s office knowing that I’m safe, giving the Fae my back, I head toward the desk and sit behind it. Motioning to the chair before me; the king takes a seat and I fold my hands in front of me, waiting for him to begin.
“I believe there’s been a misunderstanding between our people.” He motions out the door and then to the surrounding castle. “During my father’s time, this was our home. It was wrongly taken from us through trickery and deceit by the first Spirit Wolves.” Having read all the histories, this is not new information to me, and I motion with my hand for him to continue. “I wish for us to come to an accord.” His flat tone tells me there’s more he’s about to say that I will not be fond of.
“And what kind of accord is that? I know Fae are full of lies and trickery, or at least, that’s what I’ve been told.” I’m prepared for him to hide the truth from me. I’m also prepared for any kind of ambush that may come our way. I know better than to relax in front of my enemy. But the real question is, is he really the enemy or was he the one that was wronged? These are answers I will never have, at least not in the entirety that they should be given. I only have half-truths and fables left behind from notes found in my grandfather’s study.
“I wish to reclaim my people’s home and the castle that once belonged to us.” I had a feeling that is what he was looking for; but again, I’m not so sure that’s what I wish to do. I’m all for righting wrongs and injustices, but at what cost?
“I understand your desire to re-inhabit this castle. But what about my people that live in the village below the castle? Will they have to relocate?” I can tell that he is seriously contemplating my question, and it’s wise of him to do so, for if he wishes to get what he wants, there must be a little give and take. Motioning to Kaedyn, he pulls forth a map of the area and lays it out up on the desk. The castle is clearly marked and there’s at least four miles between the castle and the village below. Realistically, it shouldn’t be an issue. He studies the map further and then takes several of the little barriers that we use with the map to draw an outline. He wishes to gain control of the castle and the gardens beyond. He also wants the old cedar forest that surrounds the castle. It’s one of my favorite places to hunt, so I can kind of understand why he’s after it.
“And if you receive these things, what then?” This entire time, I’ve ended up with more questions than answers; but I have to put my best foot forward for the sake of my people. He ponders for several moments; staring at the map, then smiles. It’s a smile that makes my hair stand on edge and my gut is telling me not to trust it.
“As long as we receive the forest and the castle, we will leave.” The fact that he won’t look me in the eye tells me he is lying. Staring him down, I don’t break eye contact.
“Why should I believe what you’re saying?” Again, he smiles, and my hair continues to stand on end. It’s about to get far worse.
“I am a king and you are a queen. Why wouldn’t my word mean anything?” I ponder what he’s saying and even though I know the answer is because of how he tried to regain the land, it’s not an acceptable answer for this conversation. Tapping my fingers on the desk, I try to figure the best way to pose the answer.
“I would love to say that there’s mutual trust here, but we both know that’s a lie.” My statement takes him aback. I don’t think he honestly expected me to say something like that. I don’t budge in my stance, not in the least. I know I can’t trust a thing that’s coming out of his mouth.
“What do I have to do to gain your trust Princess.” Laughing, I stare at him.
“Oh, how convenient I go from queen to princess in a matter of seconds. You wish the seat of power that my family has held for over a thousand years and yet you disrespect me.” Before anyone can move, he lunges across the table and grips my throat in his hand. His grip tightens slowly, cutting off my airway. I’m in shock as I stare into his eyes, seeing my life flash before mine.
Bella may beangry at me later; but for right now, consequences be damned. I clear the distance between myself and the Fae king and ram my fist through his back to grip his heart in my hand. The slick beating muscle palpitates in my grip as I give it a warning squeeze. “I suggest if you wish to draw breath any longer, you release my mate.” My lips are next to his ear as I growl out the words.
I watch his fingers loosen their grip on Bella’s throat and she sits back gasping for air, rubbing her throat. What shocks me is there are no tears in her eyes. She simply nods and stares at the Fae King whose heart I hold my hand.
“So much for peaceful negotiations.” Bella’s words ring hollow. There’s almost the chill of death in her tone. She smiles sweetly at me, and then that smile turns feral.
“Do whatever you feel is necessary, Egon. I will not rob you of your vengeance.” It appears that my mate is just as bloodthirsty as I am.
Quickly, I pull back, taking his heart with me. I stare down at the quivering mass in my hand as his body hits the floor painting the white tiles cerulean. I glance back at the other guys and then over at Bella. “You know we’re gonna have a hell of a battle in our hands.”
She nods and laughs as she heads toward the door. “The Fae are of a hive mind. They already know their leader is dead. Most of them should flee in fear. Those that don’t, kill on sight, leave no Fae standing. They will not hesitate to kill us.”
Without hesitation, I issue the command to my troops to destroy everything that is not wolf within the castle. I listen to them tear through the castle, shifting, their paws and claws clicking and thundering through the hallways.
Shortly after, Hollis sends his troops to do the same thing, but to search the castle grounds. Anything in the gardens that is not wolven and does not belong to any of the packs here currently will die. Sebastian, not having an army, just stands close to Bella making sure that nobody gets close to her. Kaedyn looks to his troops and sends them to aid mine and Hollis’s packs. Being air elementals, there’s not much that they’re able to physically do in battle. They can however, distract and or rob the victims of the very oxygen in their lungs, making it impossible for them to breathe.
Bella stares down at the corpse of the Fae king and runs her finger over his jaw. “My grandmother used to say that sometimes the most beautiful things are the deadliest.”
“What makes you say that?” My curiosity getting the better of me.
Bella moves as she walks around what’s left of the Fae king and then stands in front of a mirror. Staring at her own reflection in the mirror, her eyes look back and over her shoulder toward the rest of us. “All of you find me beautiful, or at least you’ve told me that.” A feral grin crosses her lips as her eyes take on that haunting emerald glow as she stares back at us.
“Nightshade is a beautiful flower, enticing with its scent and coloration.” She runs her fingers over the frame, holding the mirror as she keeps eye contact with us.
“Some of the most beautiful cats and birds of prey are more deadly than they appear. Vipers and asps are beautiful snakes. Their iridescent scales are intriguing, making you more curious than cautious.” Her tone is drawn out long and slow as she names the different things.
“And little kittens as adorable as they are even they’re gifted with sharp teeth and claws.” A soft laugh escapes her lips as a smile slowly creeps across them.
“Our pups.” She pauses, and a slow smile turns borderline feral. The glow in her eyes intensifies to the point of illuminating that part of the room in that eerie green glow of hers. “Will be the deadliest of all.” She glances down, then back up again slowly.