Page 31 of Bluebird
I lifted Luke’s jumper, pulled it over my head and slid my arms through the sleeves. A sense of calm washed over me as I warmed myself with the residual heat from Luke’s body.
I drew in deep breath. “I caught Jake…cheating on me,” I stated, sinking further into my seat. Wanting to disappear.
His jaw clenched. “That fucking prick,” Luke uttered under his breath. He glanced over at me, briefly taking his eyes off the road. “I’m so sorry, Blue.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” I exhaled sadly, wiping away another stray tear with Luke’s knitted sleeve.
I didn’t bother to mention Marni. As far as I was concerned they both didn’t exist.
Luke pulled up outside my house, turned off the engine, and slumped back into the driver’s seat. His jaw twitched as he continued to stare out the windscreen. “You deserve better than Jake.” He rolled his head sideways and lifted his gaze. Anguish flooded his expression.
As I watched the rise and fall of his chest, my breathing staggered, and my heart raced. I sensed he felt more for me than I understood. When his eyes grazed instinctively over my parted lips, I completely lost control. I gravitated forward and kissed him.
He pulled me in like he was taking his first breath, then pushed me away in the next. “Blue, we can’t...I can’t...” he stumbled, clearly shaken.
My eyes grew wide when I realised what I had done. Humiliation overwhelmed me. “Oh god. You have a girlfriend. I’m sorry, Luke, I’m so, so sorry,” I cried, frantically searching for the door handle. “I don’t know what came over me. I shouldn’t have done that, it was stupid. I’m such an idiot.”
Finally finding the handle, I yanked it open and literally fell out of the truck in my haste.
“Fuck,” Luke groaned, jumping out his door. He ran around to help me up, but my pride wouldn’t let him.
“I’m okay,” I said, unconvincingly, dusting off my already ruined dress.
“Blue…” He attempted to say something, but stopped himself. His jaw tightened, and his brows drew together, but nothing came out.
“I should go.” I prayed he would tell me to stay.
Luke’s shoulders slumped, and he ran both hands roughly through his hair. “You probably should,” he agreed, refusing to meet my eyes.
I held my breath and the pieces of my heart tightly as I ran past him, and waited until I was in my room before I let them all go.
* * *
The sun had yet to come up and I lay curled up in bed processing everything that had happened in one night. Catching my boyfriend having sex with my best friend wasn’t even the worst part. It was the guilt of kissing Luke that tore me up inside. He was nothing like Jake. He would never cheat on his girlfriend, even if he did have romantic feelings for me. And I knew the moment he pushed me away, that I had been very mistaken.
Everything in my life was crashing down around me. I was no use to my family on the farm, I had no plans for further education, my best friend betrayed me, my boyfriend was a dick, and Luke was in love with someone else. All I had left was my music.
As I gazed at my guitar and the piles of song books scattered across my room, an exciting thought started to take hold. I had to get out of Fairleigh. I refused to wait any longer, and now nothing was holding me back.
I jumped out of bed with newfound energy, and rummaged through my closest until I found my duffle bag. I threw it onto my bed and began piling in the contents of my wardrobe. Luckily, I didn’t own much in the way of clothes, so they didn’t take up too much room. I filled the rest of the space with my song books, and I had tons of them. I carefully placed my guitar into its hard case and locked it. Once I had everything ready, I sat at my desk and wrote two letters.
The first one was to my parents and Nate.
Dear Mum, Dad & Nate,
Now I have finished high school, I have decided to leave Fairleigh for a while. I need to find my feet away from this town. I know you don’t think it’s worthwhile pursuing my music, but I at least want to try. If it doesn’t work out, I promise I’ll come home. I have enough money to keep me going until I find a job, and I’ll contact you once I’m settled. Please don't worry or come find me. I need to do this for myself.
Love Natalie xox
And the second to Dawn and Luke.
Dear Dawn & Luke,
Before I surrender to the expectations of my parents and this town, I have decided to do something for myself for a while. I want to experience something other than this small town, and see where my music will take me. You have encouraged and nurtured this side of me and now I feel ready to show the world—or at least try. I will miss you most of all and hope I can make you proud. I promise to write often.
Love Bluebird xox
I still had a couple of hours before the roosters crowed, so I lugged my gear downstairs whilst the rest of the house slept. I crept into the kitchen to gather up some fuel for the road and left my letter on the kitchen bench.
Closing the front door softly behind me, I packed my luggage into my car. Once I was set, I jogged across the road and slid my remaining letter into Dawn’s mailbox. I looked up at her picturesque house and sighed, praying everyone would forgive me for leaving without saying a proper goodbye.
Then I climbed into my car, and sped off down the road, sparing one last glance in my rear-view mirror that encapsulated everyone I cared about.