Page 32 of Bluebird
As the roads became more familiar, I became more nervous. The feeling in the pit of my stomach was different to anything I had experienced before getting on stage to perform.
I passed the weathered ‘Welcome to Fairleigh’ sign and reluctantly slowed down to the town speed limit, making me take in more than I was prepared to see. The town looked deserted. Everything in Fairleigh shut early on a Friday, and you either went home or to the pub. And tonight, I guessed everyone would be at Easton’s.
It was the night of my brother’s 30th birthday party, and I’m sure the whole town was invited. I deliberately looked the other way as I drove past Easton’s Tavern and focused on the shops on the other side of the road. Everything mostly looked the same along Main Street, except for some optimistic new shops that had found a niche market in the area.
I drove the entire length of the main strip until I found the old Fairleigh Motel and to my relief, it was still standing.
I must admit, I was pretty wary booking a room here, but it looked like they had done renovations and cleaned the place up somewhat since they last updated their website. I wondered if they had Wi-Fi and laughed to myself. Fairleigh had always been in a dead spot for mobile reception, and internet was too slow to even consider. It made it near impossible to keep in contact with anyone who lived here.
Thankfully the man at reception didn’t recognise me and gave me my motel room key without even checking my ID. People were always too trusting in this town. I pulled my hire car into the designated parking space in front of my room, and sighed. I had finally made it.
* * *
It had taken me days to get to Fairleigh. Multiple flights, taxis and time zones all confirmed why I didn’t visit. Australia may as well be on another planet.
No one knew I was here. Not even Stefan, who managed everything in my life, was aware I had skipped town. Not yet anyway.
Stefan and I had been an item for the past five years, until I caught him making out with the record label’s newest play thing six months ago. He started out as my manager, but was now the face of his father’s record company and he was relishing in the benefits—which included women.
It took three years before I gave in to his charm. He was attractive and entirely sweet in the beginning, but I was determined to earn my own place in the music industry. I worked so incredibly hard to get where I was, and now it was all crumbling down around me.
Four successful albums, multiple industry awards and sell-out stadium shows later, and I still had no control over my music. I was completely owned by my record label and was being manipulated by my ex in a bizarre ploy to win me back. His father believed our relationship made good business sense, and I was being forced to keep up the facade. But Stefan wanted more.
I sank back into my car seat and replayed our last argument.
“So, what you’re saying is…if I’m not sleeping with you, then my career’s over?”
“No, it’s not over…It’s just not in my best interest to advocate for you any longer,” Stefan replied, with a confident smirk.
I shook my head with a laugh. I couldn’t believe my life had come to this. That my career was pegged on whether I was willing to sleep my way to the top. I was grateful for the opportunities my record company had given me, but I had more self-respect than that.
“You know what? I don’t need your support any longer. As far as I’m concerned, I’m done with this label.”
“Don’t be like that, Nat, you know you’ll struggle without me.”
“I’ll struggle without you?” I choked. “Who wrote all those hit songs for your girlfriends, Stefan?”
“Come on, Natalie,” he sighed. “You know the direction my father wants to take the company. He wants to focus on a younger audience and you’re…well, just not that young anymore.”
My eyes bulged. “I’m twenty-seven, not seventy! And I refuse to write any more songs for you, unless they’re going on my next album.”
“If you just give me another chance, I’ll get you your album.”
“But I don’t love you anymore Stefan, and you don’t love me.”
He sauntered towards me with a heated expression. “It doesn’t have to be about love…Lust is enough for me.”
I took a step back and held my hand up to stop him from coming any closer. “But it’s not for me.”
A few days later, I found my brother’s birthday invitation hidden amongst my unopened fan mail, and without Stefan’s or my record company’s knowledge, I booked the first flight out.
* * *
My motel room was as expected. Basic. Something I wasn’t accustomed to anymore. It had a double bed that looked tiny, a small bathroom with no bath, and a kitchenette doubling as a wardrobe. It was clean though and I guess that was the main thing.