Page 67 of Never Quiet
“By how much?”
“Three or four years. I can tell it freaks her out sometimes.”
Smiling, she reminded him, “Caroline is four years older than Bill. I promise, they’re quite happy in every area.”
“Oh, god. Really?”
“She has this habit of going into her closet if there are a lot of people in her loft. I waited until she was in the shower and took a peek. A painting of Pops naked and tied up. It was beautifully done, I admit. Completely inappropriate for her granddaughter to see. I was hella impressed. Such a lady, my ass.” They laughed and she rolled her hand. “Off topic. Tell me about this older woman.”
“She’s…foreign. Speaks like seven languages.”
Tugging her lower lip between her teeth, she whispered, “I like her already. Do you understand the mental flexibility required to master that many languages? Hell, even just two.”
“Of course you’d love her brain…”
“That means you think she’s lovely. Describe her vaguely.” He did and she asked, “Has the deed been done?”
“Hmm. Not…quite.”
“It was sort of an accident.”
“I am perpetually intrigued. Did she slip and land on your…oh, you slipped. Well done, you. Way to impress the older woman, you sly dog.”
“You are killing me, Amanda.”
“I literally knew stroke count with Vienna. Don’t be a baby.”
“Fine.” He laughed and answered several more questions she fired rapidly at him. Then he asked, “What’s new with you? Any gentlemen on the horizon?”
“Erick kissed me while we were in Florida. I have no idea if that counts. I think he was confused. Time will tell.”
“I’m sitting right here, Amanda.” Erick stared at her but she finished chewing and blotted her lips before she answered.
“I realize. You’re welcome to contribute to any part of the conversation you like. Dive right in.”
Grunting, he told Davis, “I kissed Amanda. I was not confused.” Looking at her, he added, “It most certainly counts.”
Davis stared back and forth between them. “Well. This is an unexpected turn of events.”
“It’s about to get a lot more unexpected.” Putting down her silverware, she folded her hands on her thigh. “I’ll need to borrow you for just a little while during your time here, Erick. I require a favor only you can fulfill.”
Both males stilled.
Lifting her eyes, she added, “I’m afraid you’ll have to be photographed. Nothing too sexual but clearly implying my virginity is no longer a marketable asset.”
They stared at her in silence for twenty seconds.
Erick’s eyes held hers unblinkingly. Finally, he asked, “Are you asking me to take your virginity, Amanda?”
“I am, yes.”
“You’ve given this thought?”