Page 68 of Never Quiet
“I have.”
“I’d prefer you not insult my intelligence or your own by asking the question on the tip of your tongue.”
“Erick.” Clenching her hands together in her lap, she explained, “I’m eighteen and of sound mind. I need to dispose of it and require proof that it’s done.” Inhaling carefully, she added, “Noel offered to hire a professional to avoid this awkward conversation. I declined. If this isn’t something you can or will handle, I’ll wait. There’s no pressure.”
“Time spent with you two is never boring,” Davis murmured.
Picking up her silverware, she said, “Take your time, Erick. Think about it.”
He whispered, “It took a lot for you to ask.”
“It’s a delicate, uncomfortable, and embarrassing topic.” She stared at her plate. “I hate all of it. Believe me, I’d rather die a spinster virgin than discuss this with you but apparently, it accounts for about five million of my bounty.”
Reaching out, Erick put his palm over her hand and she realized she was shaking badly.
“What a turn my life took. Such a strange road I’m on and I don’t recognize a single fucking thing. When I walk out of this house, there won’t be anything familiar. It makes me tired.”
Exhaling roughly, she couldn’t look at him, “I don’t want or expect anything from you, Erick. There are no words to say or promises to keep from either of us. I know you’re young and I’m even younger. I didn’t want this. If there was anyone else I trusted who wasn’t related, I’d ask.”
“It’s no punishment, Amanda. I mean, as Davis said, look at yourself.” She laughed sadly. “It’s not just that. I don’t want you to think it is…”
“Be careful, Erick,” she said softly.
He squeezed her hand. “This isn’t me falling on my sword for you. I worry about how you’ll feel after but I’ll do it because I’m selfish. Also, I’m always hard around you.”
“And…” Davis said, “I’m officially uncomfortable.”
“Damn, it took all that to make you uncomfortable?” Amanda asked him. “You really worry me sometimes.”
He winked. “Just lightening the mood.”
She looked at Erick. “Thanks. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. I won’t be, Amanda.”
Having essentially brokered sex with the man she’d been in love with for five years, Amanda focused on consuming calories she couldn’t think about earlier, knowing this conversation had to happen.