Page 12 of Feel My Love
“Hmm.” Sarabeth tightened her posture. “It’s critical for the matriarch of the De La Cruz royal line to meet Amelia if she’s to be approved. After all, everyone wishes to be a member of royalty.” She turned to Amelia and said in a voice that didn’t match the expression on her face, “I’m sorry, Amelia. This is one tradition that cannot be dismissed.”
Augusta’s eyes were huge. “What do you mean royalty?”
Sarabeth stared into Amelia’s eyes for a long moment before giving a wink only she could see and turning back to Augusta.
“Certainly, you know?” Augusta shook her head. “I believe Leo mentioned the first day you met that he was descended from royalty.”
“I thought he was lying.”
“He was not, Mrs. Whitehall. The De La Cruz family has been part of the royal family for almost six hundred years. My father is the fourteenth generation Highland Chief of our clan.” Augusta looked confused and skeptical. Sarabeth folded her hands in front of her. “We own castles in two countries, Mrs. Whitehall.”
“Yes. It seems Leo - our only child and heir - has his heart set on Amelia. I know they’re young but...if there is even the slightest chance, she must be vetted well in advance. It’s critical that every pairing be of the highest quality. While Amelia is neither Scottish nor Spanish, I believe she will impress with her poise and beauty.”
Augusta drew herself up and stuck out her chin. “Of course Amelia will impress.”
“I’m so glad you agree. We’ve set the itinerary and I’ve given copies to Amelia. There are several outfits she’ll need for specific events and the criteria is stringent. I’ll send my dressmaker over to assist. She knows the colors and styles that must be followed.”
Without giving the other woman a chance to respond, Sarabeth turned to Amelia. “I’d love to take you to lunch if you have a couple of hours free.”
“I’m not really dressed…” She was wearing jean shorts and a t-shirt with flip flops.
“I’ll wait in the car and give you time to change. Casual is fine.” Leaning forward, she kissed both Amelia’s cheeks. Then she held out her hand to Gil. “It was truly a pleasure, Gil. Remember, you and your lovely wife are welcome to join us should the spirit of adventure strike.” She quickly shook Augusta’s hand. “Amelia will be guarded every moment.”
“I would hope so. There’s no telling…”
“I’ll be right down, Mrs. De La Cruz. I just need five minutes.” She raced to her room and quickly pulled on a sundress, leather sandals, and grabbed her purse.
Her mother waited in the foyer. “I don’t like that woman. She’s full of herself.”
Amelia shrugged. “She’s basically a princess. Isn’t that how you’d expect them to be?”
“I guess you’re right. Hurry back and practice your...Amy! You can’t leave. You have so much to do.”
“I’m going. There will be other pageants and I don’t care about the ones I’ll miss. See you in a few hours.” She hurried out the door and into the back of the waiting limo. Leo sat on the opposite side. “Wow. You guys busted out the big guns.”
In her normal thick accent, Sarabeth said, “Aye. Wanted te be sure there was no doubt ye’d be goin’ along with us.”
She pulled off the hat, released her wild hair from the chignon, and shrugged off her jacket.
“I knew she wouldn’a take me seriously if I didn’t hit her with Jackie Kennedy.” She toed off her shoes and slipped off her skirt. Underneath, she rolled down her usual leggings. Leo pushed her sandals closer and she stepped into them. “Ah. That’s better. I hate the uppity fixin’s I gotta wear sometimes. How about tacos?”
Amelia adored Leo’s mom. “Tacos sound amazing.”
Six weeks later, Amelia stepped foot on another continent. Leo’s family on his father’s side welcomed her with open arms, fed her constantly, and taught her several phrases in Spanish.
She and Leo walked the estate with an older woman who acted as their chaperone. They never stopped talking. When they explored the city beyond, there was a detail who tagged along. It was strange how she could forget they were there.
Amelia gained ten pounds, her hair got lighter, and she returned to Illinois with a gorgeous tan and a lot more knowledge about the world than she’d had before.
Even her mother’s screaming about her not being ready for pageants and daring to get tan lines didn’t spoil a single moment. She had several dozen rolls of film developed and put the photos up all over her room.
Her Leo.