Page 13 of Feel My Love
1995-1996 - Senior Year
Leo ran through the house, headed for the front door. His mother called him back and he skidded to a stop.
“It’s s’posed te rain, darlin’. Take yer jacket.” She smiled. “Yer so distracted, Leo.”
Bending to kiss her temple, he explained hurriedly, “She got back last night. It’s the last photo shoot until summer.”
“Ah, I see.” Her palm cupped his cheek. “Bring Amelia by one night this week. We haven’t seen her in ages.”
“I’ve only been able to talk to her on the phone and her mother shares a room when they travel so...we’ve hardly talked at all. I’m dying to see her.”
“Go, darlin’.”
“Love you, Mom.”
He ran for his SUV, threw his backpack on the backseat, and climbed behind the wheel. There was no doubt he broke a couple of speed limits on the way to Amelia’s house.
Rocking to a stop, he grinned when he saw her already running down the driveway. His feet had barely touched the ground before she barreled into him.
He caught her, hugging her tight as he inhaled a scent unique to his Amelia. “My girl,” he murmured against her hair.
“Leo! I’ve missed you so much. I was watching for you.”
“I couldn’t find my calculus homework…”
Leaning back, she laughed. Her brown eyes sparkled. “You couldn’t find your homework? That never happens.”
He hugged her again. “I knew you’d be back today. I could barely focus for three minutes at a time last night.”
Opening the passenger door of his SUV, he lifted her to the seat. He rested his forehead on her shoulder while she stroked her fingertips through his hair.
“Your hair is starting to curl. I’m surprised you haven’t cut it.” Slipping her hand from his hair to his jaw, she lifted his face. Staring into his eyes, she whispered, “Get me out of here.” Dropping a light kiss on his lips, she repeated more urgently, “Get me away from here, Leo…please.”
Frowning, he nodded and closed her door. He got in quickly and started the engine. She wrapped her hands around his bicep and rested her head on his shoulder.
“Just drive...I don’t want to look at this house.”
He glanced at her as he pulled away from the curb. Someone had cut her hair to her shoulders. It was silky and healthy but she always said she hated it too short because she couldn’t do much with it.
She’d lost weight. Every time her mother whisked her away for modeling gigs, Amelia came back at least ten pounds lighter. Sometimes within just a couple of days. Leo knew it wasn’t healthy or safe for her to drop weight so rapidly.
Her brown eyes were closed as he drove. Long lashes laid against her cheek and her lower lip trembled slightly.
There was no doubt she was a gorgeous woman. She stopped growing when she reached five-nine and her modest curves were just right for her lithe frame.
Leo’s own growth spurt the past year put him a solid four inches taller. Still lean himself, he’d finally developed some muscle. She called him beautiful but he knew he was average.
He didn’t feel average when she looked at him.
The charm bracelet sparkled in the early morning sunlight, filled with many more charms than the night he gave it to her. Every special occasion, he bought another charm.
For two years, Leo’s mother had made sure Amelia traveled when their family did. It didn’t take much to convince Augusta. When they returned from the first vacation to Madrid, Sarabeth presented Amelia with one of her tiaras.
She even invented a ceremony.
Named official consort to the heir, Amelia played along with anything as long as it meant she could take breaks from the strange life Augusta built for her and spend time with Leo.
They’d toured Spain, the United Kingdom, and Canada with the lovely Amelia Whitehall as part of their family.