Page 57 of Feel My Love
Chapter Nineteen
Late the following afternoon, Steven Kampo arrived at the house a few seconds behind Augusta.
Leo’s father escorted everyone into his massive office. “I’ll leave you to business and give you privacy.” Alejandro added in Spanish, “Pay attention, son.”
Leo nodded. He pulled a third chair to the front of his dad’s desk for Augusta. She lowered into it nervously and Amelia chose the chair next to her but scooted it a bit closer to Leo.
Steven smiled. “Most of this won’t take long, Amelia.” He removed several documents and turned them to her to review. “This was Gil’s basic will. Everything that belonged to him went to you with two exceptions.” He looked at Leo. “He left you the Chevy Nova he’s been restoring in the backyard workshop for a dozen years.”
Extending a piece of paper, Leo accepted it in surprise and recognized Gil’s handwriting.
Leo, I think you and I are more alike than anyone would imagine. When I was sixteen years old, I busted my ass to buy my first car. It was a Chevy Nova. The year we won the lottery, I found one in piss poor condition and bought it.
I could have paid someone to restore it for me, of course. I’m not exactly a mechanic as my Augusta reminded me often. There was a pleasure in puttering around with this old thing that gave me peace in moments I struggled. Learning something out of my wheelhouse, so to speak. Doing something with my hands instead of my brain.
I thought it might be good for you. Now, don’t think you have to keep this hunk of junk if you don’t want it. Believe me, I know how much you work! Still, if you throw it in storage for a few years...maybe it will come in handy down the road. Life can be a kick in the ass sometimes.
Take care of my little girl. Every year, on her birthday, wake Amy up with a cinnamon roll and the birthday song. Make her start the day making a wish as she blows out a candle. You’ll never see a sweeter sight than her face at that moment.
Thank you for your friendship, Leo. I know it was unusual but I was grateful for a fellow survivor when I was at my lowest. I didn’t want Steven to see me like that.
You’re a good man. Keep being one.
Wiping away tears, Leo nodded at Steven. He was presented with several pieces of paper that he read and signed.
Inhaling deeply, Steven removed a small pouch from the inside of his jacket. He held it out to Augusta and murmured, “The only other exception.”
Frowning, she accepted it and untied the strings. Tilting the contents into her palm, she gasped at the sight of Gil’s wedding ring on a gold chain.
“I-I need…” She stood and walked to the other side of the room to collect herself.
The attorney refocused on Amelia. “Your father spent the last eight years scouring the internet for information about various options for that you could become a mother.” He picked up a heavy vinyl file folder and placed it in front of Amelia.
Her eyes were enormous in her face.
“Gil was something of a computer genius. He sold them in the early days for a company that doesn’t exist anymore but he liked to tinker and learn things. Setting up a specialized search, he dedicated the remainder of his life to trying to change the outcome of...what happened to you.”
Nodding at the file, he explained, “He organized each piece of information, printed much of it, and included a jump drive with more. Searching out cutting-edge research from the greatest minds in the world, learning about adoption practices in almost every country, and more, Amelia. That was how Gil spent his days after you left.”
Removing a letter, he handed it to her. Amelia’s hand shook badly as she accepted it and carefully opened the seal.
My sweet girl, I love you. That’s the most important thing I wanted to say. The next part is something I didn’t want read at my funeral.
I paid someone at the hospital for your records after you left and found a bright side. You have one ovary, Amy. I know it was damaged but the human body is a miracle of technology and incredibly good at you could still be producing eggs. That means, using a surrogate, you might be able to have a child born from you and Leo - even if you couldn’t carry that son or daughter yourself.
I left you information about the best clinic in the world and you can afford it when you’re ready. There’s also adoption and don’t you discredit that possibility, honey.
I know you’ll be ready to think about all of this if you mend things with Leo because being a mother is something you talked about when you were four.
And you love Leo so very much.
See if it might be possible to have one biological child and then adopt a dozen more...change their lives and fill your house with the pitter patter of little feet, sleepless nights, unexpected bodily fluids, and lots of panic.
You’ll love it!
One last thing, darling girl. I don’t expect you to drink cocoa with your mother or sing silly songs but...I would consider it a personal favor if you would speak to her.