Page 58 of Feel My Love
Scream if you like, cry if that’s what you need, but face her, Amy. Face her so both of you can find closure. If you don’t, you’ll spend the rest of your life living that night on loop.
You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
Be happy, be free, be you every minute and know I could not be prouder of the child you were, the survivor you showed yourself to be, and the woman you became.
Lots of spinning hugs and butterfly kisses, my Amy. I love you, honey.
Leo handed her a handkerchief and Amelia sobbed into it for several minutes. When she could speak, she lifted her face to look at Steven.
“Did you know he was doing that?”
“Not for a few years. He showed up in California to visit a clinic there and explained over dinner.” Folding his hands on the desk, the lawyer explained, “Fertility and surrogacy are subjects few people talk openly about and you were pretty traumatized. He knew you weren’t in a place to hear any of it and you’re still so young. There’s plenty of time for you to think about options. Gil knew that.”
Augusta lowered into a chair beside Amelia. Leo could see the edge of the gold necklace under her suit jacket that held Gil’s wedding ring.
“Amy.” She cleared her throat. “I-I would be a surrogate for you, if you needed someone.” As Amy recoiled from her mother, Augusta held out her palm. “Don’t feel like I’m pressuring you. I-I was just thinking that we’re the same blood type and all. I’m only in my forties so...I wanted to offer but I understand if that disgusts you.”
Groping blindly behind her for Leo’s hand, Amy gripped it tight. “Not now. I can’t think about any of that…”
“Of course. I understand.” Augusta looked at Steven. “Do you want to go over the rest?”
Clearing his throat, Gil’s best friend told her, “When your dad divorced Augusta, he only took ten percent of the lottery winnings. He used some of Augusta’s share to buy the condo but insisted that she take the majority since she was the one who played the lottery every week for years.”
“I-I didn’t know that.”
“To be fair,” Steven clarified, “Augusta tried to get him to reconsider. She was willing to split the money equally. Both of them contributed to the trust created for you.” Sitting back, he folded his hands over his abdomen. “Gil aggressively invested Augusta’s share so it continued to grow while she was in prison. She’s now transferred ninety-percent of her assets into your name.”
Blinking several times, Amelia whispered, “What?” She turned to look at her mother. “Why w-would you do that? You don’t have to…”
“I’m not trying to buy forgiveness.” Augusta shook her head slowly. “The money poisoned my life but you’re not like me. You’re like Gil. The money didn’t change him at all.”
She wiped her nose and took a few deep breaths. “The truth is...I have no skills, no real passion, and I wouldn’t know how to hold a normal job now. I kept enough for retirement and to donate to several charities I’ve gotten involved in. The rest…” She closed her eyes. “I don’t want it. It rotted me from the outside in.” Tears slipped from beneath her lids. “It would mean a lot to me for you to have it. Leo does pro-bono legal work for women and children all over the country...”
“I-I didn’t know that.”
She nodded. “Maybe you can help the people he’s helping. You’ve always had a gift for making those around you calm.”
Amelia looked up at Leo and he held her gaze. “You did what you always wanted to do.”
He smiled gently. “I found that with the right team, I can run my family’s trust and do what I love. There’s usually a workaround to any problem.”
Turning back to Augusta, Amelia cleared her throat. “You’re sure about this? You’ve given it enough thought?”
Steven answered for her. “Augusta has had the money in an escrow account for almost five years.”
“That’s when you first tried to contact me,” Amelia said softly.
“You weren’t ready. I understood.” Considering her words, she added, “I knew you had enough money and-and I knew you were fighting to get your sanity back. I didn’t mind waiting, Amy. I would have kept waiting. I ruined your life.”
After a long pause, Amelia murmured, “I felt that at the time and hated you. You definitely changed it.” Sitting up straighter, she added, “Now I realize you can’t ruin something that hasn’t happened yet. ruined part of my life but I have the power to decide what comes next.”
Augusta stared at Amelia for a moment and then smiled. “Yes. You really do, Amy.” To Steven, she asked, “You have all the papers?”
He removed a stack and slid them in front of Amelia. “Leo has read every line but take all the time you need to review these.”
She picked up the pen and hesitated, looking at her mother.