Page 56 of Dreaming
“You talked to me, told me to take, and I’d never taken before. You were so patient, generous. All of it made me come…” Her voice trailed away as she rode her climax.
Breathing deeply, she swallowed hard enough for him to hear it and he drank her down as he massaged her hips and ass.
“You didn’t stop. You kept going and I was so stunned, I wanted to see you, to know you. I could see your head against my sheets between my legs, could feel your hands on my ass. I’d never been able to come more than once with someone and I always had to touch myself, close my eyes, to make it happen. There was never any time…Dennis.”
Shaking, she rocked her hips as she came for him again and he drank her down, took her into himself, and loved her.
Planting open-mouthed kisses over her swollen lips, he moved from beneath her and stroked his hands down her back, massaging muscles that were tense, trembling.
“It was how much you touched me. As if even a hookup was worth caring for, being selfless for.” He smoothed her hair over her shoulder and notched his cock against her pussy.
“I realized it was just who you were. I knew every lover received attention I didn’t even know was possible, that I’d never experienced. I knew what I was doing was wrong. Worse than what you were doing because you didn’t know. It was wrong to use you but I couldn’t stop, didn’t want to stop, as you started fucking me.”
Pushing himself inside her, he took her gently and bent forward to wrap his hands around her breasts. Her moans made the skin on the back of his neck tighten and his balls drew tight to his body.
“It was seeing your hand here.” She put her palm over his. “It was seeing how beautiful, how different, our skin looked together - how small my hand looked on yours – that made my entire body go crazy. It made me come from just your cock in my pussy and that had never happened. You made it happen twice and I felt like I wasn’t in the right body.”
She came for him but he kept moving. He never wanted to stop moving when he was inside her.
Nia had more to tell him.
“The next day, I couldn’t think. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep. At midnight, I went to the bar and watched you pour drinks and laugh with your patrons. I went home and my entire body was hot, Dennis. I closed the garage door and put my hand in my panties. I played with myself thinking of you and came harder than I’d ever come by myself before.”
“Nia…?” Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her back to his chest as he sat on his heels.
“I wanted you so much and could have invited you inside when you were parked out front trying to make sure I was okay, trying to figure me out. I didn’t know how to do that, how to be that way. I figured you’d forget about me. It made me sad but I was glad for the memory, the time with you, because it taught me about my body, about myself.”
Tilting her face up and back, he kissed her for a long time as he remained hard and deep inside her.
His fierce lover.
She stared at him as tears slipped from the corners of her eyes. “My life with Nicki was hard but…I didn’t send her away because of that. I sent her away because even if I couldn’t have you myself, the thought of her ever touching you again made me hurt so bad I couldn’t breathe.”
“ sweet Nia.”
“I loved you from the first time you touched me even though I literally knew nothing about you. I thought, anyone who can be so gentle, so giving, with a stranger’s body must be amazing for their heart.”
Staring into her eyes, he fucked her in short strokes. “You’re my ideal, Nia. Like a platinum puzzle box. So many complex, interlocking pieces that form a smooth, beautiful work of art with my heart nestled safely inside. I love you.”
He watched her body coil for her orgasm and held her with one arm as he moved the flats of his fingers to her clit, massaging her slick folds. She exploded for him, her pussy tightening like a vise around his cock.
He filled her, held her, loved her.
Chapter Nineteen
April 2018
Some moments stayed with a man forever.
Watching the woman who made you love harder than you ever had walk down the aisle to marry you was one of them.
Dennis got his big wedding.
No expense was spared as he made Nia his wife. He hired a planner, outlined what he wanted, explained the lack of a budget, and demanded it happen within two months.
She asked Harlow to be her maid of honor. Her oldest friend, the woman who offered Nia peace when she wasn’t certain she would ever find it.