Page 57 of Dreaming
Tildy, the woman who’d taken care of Nia for years, was her second bridesmaid.
Dennis’ cousin and his father stood beside him as he held his breath waiting for her to get to his side.
It felt like forever.
Nellie escorted her daughter to the altar and placed Nia’s hand in his. She met his eyes and said, “You’re worthy of my sweet girl’s hand, Dennis. I love you both.”
He kissed her cheek, she kissed her daughter, and Dennis escorted his woman up the steps.
She didn’t wear a veil. Her hair was pulled into a complicated up-do that left curls framing her face.
The gown she chose was timeless and featured a square neckline, three-quarter sleeves, and boning that highlighted her hourglass figure. Created from heavy raw silk with a delicate lace overlay, Nia chose a soft golden hue.
Her makeup was light, highlighting her gorgeous eyes and full lips.
Dennis smiled, uncaring of the tears that escaped his control.
Holding her trembling hands in front of three-hundred guests, he said his vows, she said hers, and he became Nia’s husband.
A role that made his heart pound with happiness and intense pride.
Slipping his hand along her waist, his other along the nape of her neck, he kissed her. She held him as hard as she could and he absorbed the small sob she made against his lips.
Lifting away, he stared into her eyes. “I love you, Nia.”
“I love you, too.” She hugged him tightly and he held her as long as she needed him to. “I’m so happy you love me.”
The reception was everything he’d wanted for their first night as man and wife. They started with their first dance as spouses, his dance with Nellie, and hers with Cedric.
Excellent music peppered with corny wedding favorites filled the luxurious venue…and they danced to every single one.
Harlow walked to the stage and smiled at the musicians. Tapping the microphone, she took a glass of champagne and smiled at the newlyweds sitting at the wedding table.
My name is Harlow Delkin. Shockingly, I’m the maid of honor at this gorgeous event.
I’ve never been in a wedding before but, I have to say, I’m having a blast, Nia darling. Those rom coms are onto something.
People around the ballroom laughed and Nia nodded. Clearing her throat, Harlow gathered her thoughts.
I’ve known Nia a long time. I’ve seen her at her lowest and I’ve seen her after her wins. Even the many successes she’s had in her life, personally and professionally, haven’t made her glow the way Dennis does.
He lights her from the inside out and you can feel it when you’re near them.
I’ve never seen people love like the two of you, so certain from the start that it was meant to be. I’m happy for you, relieved to see such love exists, and more than a little envious.
The two of you are unique halves to the same puzzle and I’m so glad you solved it.
I wish you decades of love, happiness, and peace together. I’m honored to witness what you have and hopeful it will be contagious.
She descended the steps to the ballroom floor and kissed them when they moved to meet her.
Pointing up at Dennis, Harlow whispered in frustration, “I have a lot of work to do and don’t have time for your cousin. I blame you for this, sir. I blame you.”
He laughed and Nia asked, “I mean, you can’t even take a teeny break, dip your toe in the water, see how it feels?”
“Keep him away…”
“You don’t mean it so quit lying.” TJ was suddenly beside Harlow, his arm around her waist. Just as tall as Dennis, his skin was a few shades lighter. He was all about humor. “Dance with me and let me grope a body I need naked again as soon as possible.”